Hasil Pencarian

✨ 15 results found - Searched 21160 records in 4ms.


Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Pada Pasien Stroke Yang Dirawat di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
2014 | BY Edward Nangoy - Instiaty - Sulistia Gan - Junita Maja Pertiwi S
  • Evaluation of Drug Therapy in Stroke Inpatients at the Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T14592fk


Evaluasi Gejala Berkemih Dan Nyeri Pada Pemasangan Dj Stent Ureter (Penelitian Prospektif)
2014 | BY Joko Anom Suryawan - HR. Danarto - Nur Budiyono
  • Evaluation of Urinary Symptoms and Pain related to Indwelling Ureteral Stents.
  • Nomor Panggil T14587fk


Evaluasi Ekspresi VDAC1 dan Hubungannya dengan Ekspresi Gen Protein Keluarga Bcl-2 pada Galur Sel Kanker Prostat PC-3 yang Diinduksi Apoptosis oleh Zinc
2014 | BY ASMARINAH - Novita Sari - Anom Bowolaksono
  • Evaluation of Expression VDAC1 and Its Relationship with Expression Bcl-2 family protein gene in strain Prostate Cancer Cells PC-3 Apoptosis Induced by Zinc
  • Nomor Panggil T14552fk


Evaluasi Terapi Profilaksis Isoniazid 300 mg/hari selama 6 bulan pada Pasien HIV (+) selama Pemantauan Satu Tahun di RSUP Persahabatan, Jakarta
2014 | BY Erlina Burhan - HEidy Agustin - Siti Nafsiah - Retno Asti Werdhani
  • The Evaluation of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy 300 mg per day for 6 months after one year monitoring in HIV-infected patients in Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta
  • Nomor Panggil T14531fk


Penilaian Prosedur dan Keberhasilan Induksi Sputum dari Saluran Respiratori Bawah pada Anak
2014 | BY Lisnawati - Sri Rezeki Hadinegoro - Madeleine Ramdhani Jasin - Darmawan Budi Setyonto
  • Evaluation of Procedure and Efficacy of Sputum Induction from Lower Respiratory Tract in Children
  • Nomor Panggil T14475fk


Evaluasi Penilaian Estetik Terhadap Teknik Rhinoplasti Secara “Manually Adjusted Sun-Shield”
2014 | BY BUDIMAN - Syamsul Rizal - Parintosa Atmodiwirjo
  • Aesthetic Outcome Evaluation Of The “Manually Adjusted Sun-Shield” Rhinoplasty
  • Nomor Panggil T14458fk


Evaluasi histopatologi tubulus ginjal kelinci pada cedera remote reperfusi iskemia tungkai bawah akut yang diberikan perlakuan prekondisi iskemik dan hipotermia
2014 | BY Jusuf Rachmat - Achmad Marzuki - Fathema D. Rachmat
  • Histopathological Evaluation of Rabbit Renal Tubular on the Remote Reperfusion Injury in Acute Lower Limb Ischemia that Given Ischemic Preconditioning and Hypothermia Treatment.
  • Nomor Panggil T14412fk


Evaluasi Histopatologis Cedera Remote Iskemik Reperfusi Organ Hepar Kelinci Yang Dilakukan Prekondisi Iskemik Dan Hipotermia
2014 | BY Jusuf Rachmat - Marolop Pardede - Fathema D. Rachmat
  • Histopatologic Evaluation On Remote Ischemic Reperfusion Injury Of Rabbit Liver Performed Under Ischemic Precondiotioning And Hypothermia
  • Nomor Panggil T14410fk


Evaluasi Kinerja Pelayanan Gawat Darurat Maternal Pada Puskesmas Yang Ditargetkan Mampu Poned Di Jakarta Timur
2014 | BY Anna Sofyana - Omo Abdul Madjid
  • Evaluation of Maternal Emergency Services Performance in Community Health Centers in East Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T14360fk


Strategi meningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusif enam bulan dengan konseling melekat dan pendampingan serta evaluasi kandungan makronutrien ASI
2014 | BY DIANA MUSTIKA CHANDRA - damayanti R. Sjarif - Bambang Supriyatno
  • The strategy to increase exclusive breastfeeding rates by close counseling and monitoring along with evaluation of breastmilk’s macronutrient
  • Nomor Panggil T14163fk