Hasil Pencarian

✨ 225 results found - Searched 21677 records in 7ms.


Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Pada Pasien Stroke Yang Dirawat di RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado
2014 | BY Edward Nangoy - Instiaty - Sulistia Gan - Junita Maja Pertiwi S
  • Evaluation of Drug Therapy in Stroke Inpatients at the Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T14592fk


Validasi Eksternal Belgian Outcome of Burn Injury (BOBI) Score Pada Pasien Luka Bakar di RSCM 2012-2013
2014 | BY John Karlie - Adithya Wardana
  • External Validation of Belgian Outcome of Burn Injury (BOBI) Score on Burn Patient at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital 2012-2013.
  • Nomor Panggil T14586fk


Efektifitas metode pengajaran penalaran klinik pada pendidikan kedokteran tahap preklinik dengan menggunakan pasien simulasi di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
2014 | BY Adithya Wardana - Desi Isnayanti
  • The effectiveness of clinical reasoning teaching method using simulated patient in preclinical phase medical student at Faculty of Medicine Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara.
  • Nomor Panggil T14585fk


Perubahan indeks massa tubuh, persentase otot rangka dan kadar albumin pada pasien kanker paru karsinoma bukan sel kecil ( KPKBSK ) sebelum dan setelah kemoterapi
2014 | BY Yenni Sari Siregar - Elisna Syahruddin - Wahju Aniwidyaningsih
  • Body mass index ( BMI), percentage of scletal muscle and albumin in non small cell lung cancer ( NSCLC) patiens before and after chemotherapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T14583fk


Angka tahan hidup pasien kangker paru kelompok bukan sel kecil non skuamosa yang mendapat terapi target Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-Tyrosin Kinase Inhibitor dan yang mendapat Kemoterapi lini pertama di Rumah sakit Persahabatan
2014 | BY Sita Laksmi Andarini - Kasum Supriadi - Achmad Hudoyo
  • The survival rate of nonsquamous by non small cell lung carcinoma patiens who are given by target therapy epidermal growth facttor receptor-tyrosin kinase inhibitors and those given by first-line kemotheraphy treatment at Persahabatan hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T14579fk


Hubungan Komponen European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) Dalam Penilaian Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Rawat Inap Akut Usia Lanjut Di RSUPNCM
2014 | BY Albertus Rivelino Bouw - Retno Asti Werdhani - Siti Annisa Nuhonni - Tirza Z. Tamin
  • Component Relations European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions (EQ-5D) In the Quality of Life Assessment On Inpatient Acute Elderly In RSUPNCM.
  • Nomor Panggil T14578fk


Fungsi Fagositosis Monosit pada Pasien Thalassemia Mayor “Tinjauan Khusus pada Splenektomi dan Kadar Feritin”
2014 | BY Teny Tjitra Sari - Dian Rosdiana - Ninik Sukartini
  • Phagocytosis function of monocyte in patients with thalassemia major “special review on splenectomy and ferritin level”
  • Nomor Panggil T14562fk


Hubungan Gangguan Depresi Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 Di Poliklinik Endokrin RSCM
2014 | BY Petrin Redayani L. Sugijanto - R. Irawati Ismail - Dian Tri Pagita
  • The Relation between Depression and Quality of life among Type 2 Diabetes mellitus patients in Endocrine Polyclinic at RSCM
  • Nomor Panggil T14557fk


Uji banding pemeriksaan mikroskopis sputum BTA dan Xpert MTB/RIF pada pasien diabetes melitus yang diduga tuberkulosis paru
2014 | BY CAHYARINI - Erlina Burhan - Sukara Safril Kusuma Jaya - Rochsismandoko
  • The Comparison Acid Fast Bacilli Smear Microscopy Examination And Xpert MTB/RIF in Diabetes Mellitus patients Who Suspected Pulmonary Tuberculosis
  • Nomor Panggil T14542fk


Proporsi rinitis alergi pada pasien asma dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan di RSUP Persahabatan periode Agustus sampai Oktober 2014
2014 | BY Triya Damayanti - Wiwien Heru Wiyono - Fersia Iranita Liza - Deasi Anggraini
  • Proportion of Allergic Rhinitis in Asthma Patients and The Related Factors at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta
  • Nomor Panggil T14541fk