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Integritas Sawar Mukosa Intestinal pada Kasus Luka Bakar Studi terhadap Perubahan Metabolisme Glutamin dan Seng di Plasma dan Intraseluler.
2013 | BY Inge Permadhani - Saptawati Bardosono - Amir Madjid - Widjaja Lukito
  • Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Integrity in Burn Injury A Study of Glutamine and Zinc Metabolic Changes in Plasma and Intracellular Levels.
  • Nomor Panggil D13011fk


Efek ischemic preconditioning pada bedah jantung terbuka, fokus terhadap apoptosis akibat cedera iskemia-reperfusi pada anak babi.
2013 | BY Jusuf Rachmat - Sudigdo Sastroasmoro - Fransciscus D. Suyatna - Gunanti Soejono
  • The effect of ischemic preconditioning in open heart surgery, focus on apoptosis as a consequence of ischemia reperfusion injury in piglets.
  • Nomor Panggil D13001fk


Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak biji jengkol (Archidendron pauciflorum)pada aktivitas spesifik katalase jaringan hati tikus yang diintoksikasi karbon tetraklorida (CCl4)
2013 | BY Mochmad Faisal Adam - Mohamad Sadikin - Ani Retno Prijanti
  • The effect of jengkol seed extract (Archidendron pauciflorum) on catalase specific activity of CCL4 induced liver injury in rats.
  • Nomor Panggil S13091fk


Tata laksana nutrisi pada kasus cedere kepala sedang dan berat
2013 | BY Ingka Nilawardani - Samuel Oetor
  • Nutritional management in mederate and servere traumatic brain injury
  • Nomor Panggil T13259FK


Gangguan ginjal akut pada asfiksia neonatorum
2013 | BY Hardiono D. Pusponegoro - Roy Amardiyanto - Lily Rundjan - Partini P. Trihono
  • Acute kidney injury in asphyxiated neonates.
  • Nomor Panggil T13046fk