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Efektivitas pelatihan modul adapt (advance in depression and psychosomatic treatment) untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan dokter mendiagnosis gangguan depresi
2013 | BY Silvia erfan - Nurmiati Amir - Suryo Dharmono- The effectiveness of the training modules adapt (advance in depression and psychosomatic treatment) to enhance the knowledge and skills of physicians to diagnose depression.
- Nomor Panggil T13005fk
Hubungan antara stadium klinis dan faktor-faktor sosio-demografi dengan derajat beratnya depresi pada pasien kanker serviks uteri di rumah sakit umum pusat nasional dr. cipto mangunkusumo
2013 | BY Feri Ikhwan Nasution - Charles E. Damping - Irmia Kusumadewi- The Relationship between Clinical Stage and Socio-Demographics Factors with Severity of Depression in Cervical Cancer Patients at National Center Public Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
- Nomor Panggil T13246FK
Uji diagnostik The Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for-Epilepsy (NDDI-E) versi Indonesia pada pasien epilepsi dewasa dengan gangguan depresi mayor
2013 | BY Izati Rahmi - Herqutanto - Astri Budikayanti - Diatri Nari Lastri- Diagnostic test study of Indonesian version of The Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory for epilepsy in adult epilepsy patients with major depression disorders.
- Nomor Panggil T13425fk
Hubungan dukungan sosial terhadap status depresi pascapersalinan pasien hiv
2013 | BY Wahyudi - Yudianto Budi Saroyo - JM. Seno Adjie - Sylvia Detri Elvira- Correlation between social support and postpartum depression status in hiv patients.
- Nomor Panggil T13172fk