✨ 206 results found - Searched 21215 records in 4ms.
Laporan penelitian
Pengaruh Dosis I-131 Terhadap Keberhasilan Ablasi Pada Karsinoma Tiroid Pasca Bedaj
1991 | BY Imam Subekti- Nomor Panggil LP QZ 269 S941p 1991
Laporan penelitian
Laporan Pelatihan Pelatih Penyuluhan AIDS Bagi Guru Sekolah Menengah
1991 | BY Departemen kesehatan RI- Nomor Panggil LP QW 551 E836p 1991
Laporan penelitian
Profil Lipoprotein dan Gambaran EKG Pada Pasien Sindrom Nefrotik Resisten Steroid
1991 | BY Yoke Ajukarningsih - Bambang Madiyono - Taralan Tambunan - Husein Alatas - I. G. N. Wila Wirya- Nomor Panggil LP QU 85 P962 1991
Laporan penelitian
Efek Beberapa ION Logam Bermartabat Dua terhadap Stabilisasi Kromatin Inti Spermatozoa Manusia In-Vitro
1991 | BY Satmoko Poerwodihardjo- Nomor Panggil LP QU 58 P958 1991
Laporan penelitian
Pengaruh Pemenasan dan Pengasaman Terhadap Senyawa Beta-karoten Yang Terkandung Dalam Wordel
1991 | BY Haidan Kotong - FATMAWATY- Nomor Panggil LP QU 11 F252p 1991
Basic laboratory procedures in clinical bacteriology / WHO
1991 | BY World Health Organization- Nomor Panggil QW 25 W927b 1991
Immunology : short course / Eli Benjamini, Sidney Leskowitz
1991 | BY Benjamini - BENJAMINI, Eli- Nomor Panggil QW 50 B468i 1991
CLINICAL sports medicine / edited by William A. Grana, Alexander Kalenak
1991 | BY GRANA, William A. - KALENAK, Alexander- Nomor Panggil QT 260 C641 1991
Textbook of medical physiology, 8th ed. / Arthur C. Guyton
1991 | BY Guyton, Arthur C.- Nomor Panggil QT 104 G992t 1991
PERSPECTIVES in exercise science and sports medicine volume 4 : ergogenics enhancement of performance in exercise and sport / edited by David R. Lamb, Melvin H. Williams
1991 | BY- Nomor Panggil QT 260 P466 1991