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Puasa saat Transfusi Sel Darah Merah dengan Kejadian Enterokolitis Nekrotikans pada Bayi Prematur
2024 | BY Afiffa Mardhotillah - Putri Maharani Tristanita Marsubrin - Rini Sekartini
  • Withholding Feeds during Red Blood Cell Transfusion and Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Premature Infants.
  • Nomor Panggil T24244fk


Efektivitas Dekstrose 40% Gel Untuk Tata Laksana Hipoglikemia Neonatal Transien Asimptomatik Pada Bayi Risiko Tinggi
2023 | BY Putu Mas Vina Paramitha Cempaka - Rosalina Dewi Roeslani - Fitri Primacakti - Aman B. Pulungan
  • Effectiveness of Dextrose 40% Gel for the Management of Asymptomatic Transient Neonatal Hypoglycemia in High Risk Infants.
  • Nomor Panggil T23512fk


Perbandingan Uji Tapis The Ages and Stages Questionnaires, 3rd Edition (ASQ-3) dan Uji Tapis Denver II untuk Deteksi Gangguan Perkembangan Bayi Prematur pada Usia Koreksi 6–12 Bulan
2024 | BY Eka Sulastri - Soedjatmiko - Bambang Tridjaja AAP
  • Comparison of Ages and Stages Questionnaires, 3rd Edition (ASQ-3) Screening Test and Denver II Screening Test for Detecting Developmental Disorders in Premature Infants at Corrected Age 6–12 Months.
  • Nomor Panggil T24005fk


Pengaruh Pemberian “Early Budesonide Inhalation” Terhadap Kejadian Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia dan Luaran Bayi Prematur
2023 | BY Anggia Perdana Harmen - R. Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar - Muzal Kadim
  • Effect of “Early Budesonide Inhalation” on the Incidence of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Outcome of Preterm Infants.
  • Nomor Panggil T23215fk


Prevalens Kolik Infantil Pada Bayi Dari Ibu Peserta Program Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis Berdasarkan Kriteria Roma IV dan Faktor-Faktor Yang Memengaruhinya
2023 | BY Dina Muktiarti - Tjhin Wiguna - Muzal Kadim - Wira Febrisandi Irsan
  • Prevalence and Associated Factors of Infantile Colic in Infants of Mothers Participating in Medical Residency Training Program Based on Rome IV Criteria.
  • Nomor Panggil T23108fk


Korioamnionitis sebagai prediktor sepsis neonatus awitan dini pada bayi ≤32 minggu atau bayi berat lahir ≤1500 gram
2023 | BY Devita Sari - Dina Muktiarti - Rinawati Rohsiswatmo
  • Chorioamnionitis as a predictor of early onset neonatal sepsis in infants ≤32 weeks or birth weight ≤1500 grams.
  • Nomor Panggil T23037fk


Perbandingan Penggunaan Kurva Fenton dan Kurva INTERGROWTH-21st dalam Pemantauan Pertumbuhan Bayi Prematur di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2023 | BY Nitish Basant Adnani - Rinawati Rohsiswatmo - Damayanti Rusli Sjarif - Rismala Dewi - Hikari Ambara Sjakti
  • Comparison of the Fenton Curve and the INTERGROWTH-21 st Curve in Monitoring the Growth of Premature Infants at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T23005fk


Pengaruh paparan sinar matahari terhadap kadar vitamin D bayi usia 7-12 bulan
2019 | BY Rina Pratiwi - Aryono Hendarto - Mexitalia Setiawati EM
  • Effect of Sun Exposure on Vitamin D Levels of Infants Aged 7-12 months.
  • Nomor Panggil T19417fk


Evaluasi Capaian Kadar Kafein pada Bayi Prematur dengan Apnoe of Prematurity yang mendapatkan Caffeine Base Oral di Unit Neonatal PKIAN RSAB Harapan Kita
2022 | BY Yuko Ade Wahyuni - Setyadewi Lusyati - Anggi Gayatri - Instiaty
  • Evaluation of caffeine levels in premature infants with apnoe of prematurity who receive oral caffeine base in neonatal unit of Harapan Kita National Women and Children Health Center.
  • Nomor Panggil T22462fk


Efikasi eritromisin oral dalam meningkatkan toleransi minum pada bayi kurang bulan
2016 | BY Made Sukmawati - Pramita Gayatri - Rulina Suradi
  • The efficacy of oral erythromycin in enhancement of feeding tolerance in premature infants.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 212 FK