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Perbedaan rerata kadar hematokrit dan albumin serum, serta beda proporsi efusi pleura dan atau asites pasien infeksi dengue dewasa pada berbagai derajat hiperlaktatemia
2015 | BY Leonard Nainggolan - Suhendro - Ifael Yerosias Mauleti - Cleopas Martin Rumende
  • The difference in the average levels of hematocrit and serum albumin as well as different proportions pleural effusion and/or ascites adult patients with dengue infection in various degrees hyperlactatemia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 410 FK


Hubungan Kadar Laktat Darah Dengan Luaran Klinis Pasca Operasi Pasien Cedera Otak Traumatika
2022 | BY Wismaji Sadewo - Samsul Ashari - Amanda Aldilla - Hanif G. Tobing - David Tandian
  • Relationship between Blood Lactate Levels and Post-Operative Clinical Outcome in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T22137fk