Hasil Pencarian

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Peran Terapi Medik Gizi terhadap Efektivitas Terapi, Faktor Kesintasan dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Kanker Payudara yang Menjalani Radioterapi
2018 | BY Amelya Augusthina Ayusari - Inge Permadhi - Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam
  • Medical Nutrition Therapy in breast cancer patient undergoing radiation, on the effectiveness of therapy, survival and quality of live.
  • Nomor Panggil T18412fk


Peran Eicosapentaenoic dan Docosahexaenoic Acid Bagian dari Terapi Medik Gizi terhadap Massa Lemak Tubuh dan Penanda Inflamasi Pasien Kanker Payudara dengan Obesitas dalam Kemoradiasi
2022 | BY Nurul Ratna Mutu Manikam - Yohannessa Wulandari - Raphael Kosasih
  • The Role of Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic Acid on Fat Mass and Inflammation Markers as part of Medical Nutrition Therapy in Breast Cancer Patients with Obesity on Chemoradiation.
  • Nomor Panggil T22263fk


Intensitas stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTIL) dan ekspresi programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) sebagai prediktor respons patologis kanker payudara terhadap terapi neoadjuvan di RSCM
2022 | BY Devi Felicia - Puspita Eka Wuyung - Primariadewi Rustamadji
  • Stromal tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (sTIL) intensity and programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression as pathological predictors of breast cancer response to neoadjuvant therapy in RSCM.
  • Nomor Panggil T22252fk


Hubungan Ekspresi Limfosit T CD8 Terhadap Respons Kemoterapi Neoadjuvan Pada Kanker Payudara Lanjut Lokal Berdasarkan Respons Patologis Miller Payne
2022 | BY Herqutanto - Sinta Chaira Maulanisa - Primariadewi Rustamadji - Ahmad Kurnia - Denni Joko Purwanto
  • Expression of CD8 Lymphocytes as a Predictor for Miller Payne’s Pathological Response to Neoadjuvan Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil T22218fk


Akurasi Diagnostik Ultrasonografi, Mamografi dan Magnetic Resonance Imaging dalam Mendeteksi Lesi Kanker Payudara pada Pasien dengan Implan Payudara: Telaah Sistematis
2022 | BY Sawitri Darmiati - Indah Suci Widyahening - Floryanti
  • Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasound, Mammography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detecting Breast Cancer Lesions in Patients with Breast Implant: Systematic Review.
  • Nomor Panggil T22191fk


Kesesuaian Tripel Diagnostik dengan Histopatologis pada Kanker Payudara Stadium Awal di RSCM dan RSUPP
2018 | BY Sawitri Darmiati - Setyawati Budiningsih - Diani Kartini - Primaria Dewi Rustamadji - Ika Megatia
  • Accuracy of Triple Diagnostic In Early Stage Breast Cancer at CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital and Persahabatan Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T18101fk


Peran Morfologis Lesi Berdasarkan Ultrasonografi Payudara Dalam Membedakan Kanker Payudara Subtipe Luminal A dan Luminal B di RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo
2022 | BY Dema Zurtika - Sawitri Darmiati - Joedo Prihartono - Diani Kartini - Hartono Tjahjadi
  • The role of morphological lesion of breast ultrasound in differentiating luminal A and luminal B Subtype Breast Cancer at RSUPN dr Cipto Mangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil T22122fk


Analisis Ekspresi Nuclear Factor _ kappa B (I.{F-kB) Pada Sel punca Kanker payudara Manusia (CD 24_/CD 44+) yang Diinduksi H2o2 Dan Hubungannya Dengan Status Antioksidan Dan viabilitas Sel
2014 | BY Hendrik Kurniawan - Septelia Inawati Wanandi - Sri Widia A. Jusman
  • Expression Analysis of Nuclear Factor - kappa B vil Universitas lndonesia G.{f-kB) In Human Breast Cancer Stem Cells (CD 2+lCD 44 +) induced H2O2 and lts Relation to Artioxidant Status and Cell Viability.
  • Nomor Panggil T14594fk


Efek Ekstrak Metanol Daun Sirsak (Annona muricata Linn) terhadap Pertumbuhan Kanker Payudara Mencit C3H
2014 | BY Pujiasih - Puspita Eka Wuyung - Ria Kodariah
  • The Effect of Methanol Extracts of Soursop (Annona muricata Linn) Leaf on Breast Cancer Growth in C3H Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T14573fk


Hubungan ukuran tumor dan derajat histopatologi dengan metastasis tulang pada pasien kanker payudara berusia dibawah 40 tahun di RS Kanker Dharmais
2014 | BY Indria Purnama Sari - Noorwati Sutandyo - Kardinah
  • Association of Tumor Size and Histopatology Grade with Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer Under 40 Years Old in Dharmais Cancer Hospital
  • Nomor Panggil T14521fk