Hasil Pencarian

✨ 3532 results found - Searched 21967 records in 20ms.


Efek Kurkumin Sebagai Ko-Kemoterapi Cisplatin terhadap Ekspresi Reseptor Endothelin A (ETAR) dan Gambaran Histopatologi pada Ginjal Tikus Model Kanker Ovarium
2020 | BY Leo Alfath Araysi - Agian Jeffilano Barinda
  • Effects of Curcumin as Cisplatin Co-Chemotherapy upon The Expression of Endothelin Receptor A (ETAR) and Histopathological Appearance in Rat’s Kidney with Ovarian Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil S20112fk


Studi Korelasi antara Kadar Vitamin D dan Glukosa Jaringan Plasenta Preeklamsia pada Usia Kehamilan di Bawah 32 Minggu
2019 | BY Muhammad Andi Iqbal Maulana - Ani Retno Prijanti
  • Correlation Study between vitamin D and Glucose Levels in Preeclampsia Placenta Tissue at Age of Pregnancy Under 32 Weeks .
  • Nomor Panggil S19035fk


Aktivitas antifungal pada ekstrak n-heksana daun Mangkokan (Polyscias scutellaria fosberg) terhadap pertumbuhan Candida glabrata dengan metode dilusi dan difusi cakram
2020 | BY Hukma Shabiyya Rizki - RIDHAWATI
  • Antifungal activity of Polyscias scutellaria fosberg leaf n-hexana extract on Candida glabrata by dilution and disc diffusion method.
  • Nomor Panggil S20111fk


“Standardisasi Instrumen Ekspresi Emosi Wajah Versi Indonesia”
2019 | BY Bahira Khansa Nabilah - Khamelia
  • “Standardization of Indonesian Version Facial Expression of Emotion Instrument”.
  • Nomor Panggil S19034fk


Pengaruh Durasi Penyimpanan terhadap Kualitas DNA Biospesimen Kanker FFPE yang Disimpan di Biobank Riset FKUI-RSCM Tahun 2015-2018
2019 | BY Muhammad Farel Ferian - Ria Kodariah
  • The Effect of Storage Period on DNA Quality of FFPE Cancer Biospecimen Stored in FKUI-RSCM Research BioBank in 20152018.
  • Nomor Panggil S19033fk


Peran Kurkumin sebagai Agen Ko-Kemoterapi Cisplatin terhadap Sel SKOV3 melalui Modulasi Jalur Endothelin-1 dan Reseptor Endothelin
2020 | BY Nurul Inayah Rahmani - Agian Jeffilano Barinda
  • The Role of Curcumin as Co-Chemotherapeutic Agent with Cisplatin through Modulation of Endothelin-1 and Endothelin Receptor Pathway in SKOV3 Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S20110fk


Aktivitas Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Buah Delima terhadap Caspase-3 pada Jaringan Usus Halus Mencit yang Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate
2020 | BY Syifa Qurota Ayun - Kusmardi
  • Activity of Pomegranate Peel Etahnol Extract against Caspase-3 on Mice Small Intestinal Tissue Induced by Dextran Sodium Sulfate.
  • Nomor Panggil S20109fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Punica Granitum Linn. terhadap Ekspresi NF-κB Jaringan Kolon Proksimal Mencit yang Diinduksi Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS)
2020 | BY Valentino Ryu Yudianto - Kusmardi
  • Effect of Punica Granitum Linn. Peel Ethanol Extract on NF-κB Expression in Mice’s Proximal Colon Tissue Induced with Dextran Sodium Sulfate (DSS) .
  • Nomor Panggil S20108fk


Pengaruh Daun Annona Muricata Terhadap Kadar Glukosa Darah dan Perubahan Histopatologi Hepar Mencit Galur Swiss Webster yang Diinduksi Aloksan
2020 | BY Bunga Cecilia Sinaga - Supri Irianti Handayani
  • The Effect of Annona Muricata Leaves on Change of Histopathology of Hepar and Blood Glucose Levels Scratching Swiss Webster Structured by Alloxant.
  • Nomor Panggil S20107fk


Pengaruh Dukungan Keluarga atau Pengasuh terhadap Kepatuhan Penggunaan Obat pada Pasien Glaukoma Sudut Terbuka
2020 | BY Kamilia Rifani Ufairah - Virna Dwi Oktariana
  • The Effect of Family or Caregiver Support on Treatment Compliance in Open-Angle Glaucoma Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S20106fk