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Pengaruh Kepatuhan Terapi Kelasi Terhadap Kadar Aspartat Aminotransferase, Alanin Aminotransferase & AST to Platelet Ratio Index Score pada Pasien β Talasemia Mayor
2019 | BY Mohammad Rafid Naufaldi - Ina susianti Timan
  • Effect of Compliance in Chelation Therapy to Aspartat Aminotransferase, Alanine Aminotransferase, and AST to Platelet Ratio Index Score in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S19146fk


Analisis Lymphocyte-Monocyte Ratio (LMR)/Lymphocyte-White Blood Cell Ratio (LWR) sebagai Prediktor Rekurensi pada Pasien Kanker Payudara Pasca Terapi
2019 | BY Megan Quinka Dwidara Toding - Andhika Rachman
  • Analysis of Lymphocyte-Monocyte Ratio (LMR)/LymphocyteWhite Blood Cell Ratio (LWR) as Recurrence Predictor in Breast Cancer Patient After Therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil S19108fk


Hubungan antara Perubahan Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Status Hormonal terhadap Residu Pasca Terapi Kanker Payudara
2019 | BY Chairunisa Aliya Amani - Andhika Rachman
  • Association between the Changing of Body Mass Index and Hormonal Status to Residual Breast Cancer after Therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil S19100fk


Hubungan Tingkat Kepatuhan Terapi Kelasi terhadap Kejadian Diabetes Melitus pada Pasien Beta Thalassemia Mayor
2019 | BY Muhammad Taufik - Ina susianti Timan
  • Relationship of the Level of Chelation Therapy Adherence to the Occurence of Diabetes Melitus in Beta Thalassemia Major Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S19085fk


Factors Influencing the Occurrence of Thrombocytopenia in Children with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia given Mercaptopurine during Maintenance Therapy in RSCM
2019 | BY Christy Rerita
  • Faktor - faktor yang Mempengaruhi Trombositopenia pada Anak dengan Leukemia Limfoblastik Akut yang Diberikan Merkaptopurin pada Fase Pemeliharaan Kemoterapi di RSCM.
  • Nomor Panggil S19202fk