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Efektivitas Deresusitasi dengan Target Tekanan Vena Sentral 0–4 mmHg Pasca-Resusitasi Renjatan Sepsis: Kajian terhadap Densitas Perfusi Kapiler, Stadium AKI, Indeks Curah Jantung, Lama Penggunaan Ventilator, dan Lama Rawat ICU
2021 | BY Yohanes W.H. George - Amir S. Madjid - Aida Lydia - Ina susianti Timan
  • Effectiveness of Deresuscitation with Target Central Venous Pressure of0–4 mmHg post Septic Shock Resuscitation on Perfused Vascular Density, AKI Stage, Cardiac Index, Ventilator Duration, and ICU Length of Stay.
  • Nomor Panggil D21007fk


Perbandingan Kadar pNGAL antara Kelompok yang Dideresusitasi dengan Furosemide dan Kelompok Kontrol sebagai Penanda Kejadian AKI pada Pasien Sepsis di ICU RSCM selama 48 jam Perawatan Periode Juli – Desember 2023
2024 | BY Anne Suwan Djaja - Eddy Harijanto - Jefferson K. Hidayat - Yohanes W.H. George
  • Comparison of pNGAL Levels between the Group Deresuscitated with Furosemide and the Control Group as a Marker of AKI Events in Sepsis Patients in the RSCM ICU During the 48-hour Treatment Period July-December 2023.
  • Nomor Panggil T24397fk