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Performa Barthel ADL dan ECOG PS pada Pasien Kanker Padat Lanjut Usia Sebagai Prediktor Kejadian Efek Samping Hematologi Pasca Kemoterapi
2024 | BY M. Darma Muda Setia - Edi Rizal Wahyudi - Anna Mira Lubis - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • Performance of Barthel ADL and ECOG PS in Elderly Solid Cancer Patients as Predictor for Post-Chemotherapy Hematological Adverse Events.
  • Nomor Panggil T24276fk


Precocious Pseudo-Puberty with Testicular Enlargement: Two Cases of Leydig Cell Tumor with Different Histopathological Results
2024 | BY Irfan Wahyudi - Trahmono - Arry Rodjani - Gerhard Reindaldi Situmorang
  • Pubertas Prekoks Semu dengan Pembesaran Testis: Dua Kasus Tumor Sel Leydig dengan Hasil Histopatologi Berbeda.
  • Nomor Panggil T24156fk


Kesahihan, Keandalan, dan Performa Diagnostik Geriatric 8 sebagai Instrumen Penapisan Sindrom Geriatri
2024 | BY Edy Rizal Wahyudi - Nina Kemala Sari - Ridzqie Dibyantari - Muhadi
  • Validity, Reliability, and Diagnostic Performance of Geriatric 8 as Screening Tool for Geriatric Syndromes.
  • Nomor Panggil T24130fk


Efektifitas Analgesia Akupunktur Tanam Benang di Titik EX-B2 Setinggi Lumbal Pertama Ditambah Terapi Standar Terhadap Nyeri Akut dan Kualitas Hidup Pasca Laparoskopi Donor Nefrektomi Hidup
2024 | BY Hartono Gunarso - Hasan Mihardja - Irfan Wahyudi - Yoshua Viventius
  • Effectiveness ofThread Embedding Acupuncture Analgesia at the EX B2 Point at the First Lumbar Level Combined With Standard Therapy on Acute Pain and Quality of Life After Laparoscopic Living Donor Nephrectomy.
  • Nomor Panggil T24063fk


Elektroakupunktur Telinga Battlefield Acupuncture ( BFA ) Dengan Terapi Standar Sebagai Pilihan Terapi Pada Nyeri Akut dan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Pasca Operasi Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy ( PCNL )
2024 | BY Rahmania Kannesia Dahuri - Hasan Mihardja - Irfan Wahyudi - Yoshua Viventius
  • Ear Electroacupuncture on Battlefield Acupuncture ( BFA )with Standard Therapy as a Therapy Option for Acute Pain and Quality of Life in Post Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy ( PCNL ).
  • Nomor Panggil T24062fk