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Pengaruh Lidokain Intravena Kontinyu Intraoperatif terhadap Luaran Pascabedah Kraniotomi: Kajian Terhadap Nyeri Pascabedah, Kadar TNF Alfa dan Lama Rawat
2021 | BY PRYAMBODHO - Susilo Chandra - Rendy Anwar - Andi Ade Wijaya
  • The Effects of Intraoperative Continuous Intravenous Lidocaine on Postoperative Craniotomy Outcomes: A Study on Postoperative Pain, TNF Alpha Levels and Hospitalization Duration.
  • Nomor Panggil T21413fk


Pengaruh Injeksi Ropivakain 0,75% Subtenon Dengan Kombinasi Anestesi Umum Terhadap Kejadian Refleks Okulokardiak Saat Operasi Strabismus dan Nyeri Pasca Operasi
2021 | BY Lasmida Ruth A Simatupang - Joedo Prihartono - Susilo Chandra - Anna Puspitasari Bani - Gusti Gede Suardana
  • Effects of Sub-Tenon Ropivacaine Block in Combination with General Anesthesia on Oculocardiac Reflex during Strabismus Surgery and Postoperative Pain.
  • Nomor Panggil T21039fk


Perbandingan Ibuprofen Intravena 800 mg dan Asetaminofen Intravena 1000 mg dalam Mengurangi Respons Inflamasi Pascaoperasi Ekstremitas Bawah: Penelitian Terhadap Perubahan Konsentrasi IL-6 dan CRP
2018 | BY Margaretha Gunawan - Aida R. Tantri - Susilo Chandra
  • Comparison of Intravenous Ibuprofen 800 mg and Intravenous Acetaminopen 1000 mg in Reducing Postoperative Inflammatory Responses in Lower Extremity Surgery: Research on Changes in IL-6 and CRP.
  • Nomor Panggil T18067fk