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Integritas Sawar Mukosa Intestinal pada Kasus Luka Bakar Studi terhadap Perubahan Metabolisme Glutamin dan Seng di Plasma dan Intraseluler.
2013 | BY Inge Permadhani - Saptawati Bardosono - Amir Madjid - Widjaja Lukito- Intestinal Mucosal Barrier Integrity in Burn Injury A Study of Glutamine and Zinc Metabolic Changes in Plasma and Intracellular Levels.
- Nomor Panggil D13011fk
Respons imun pada talasemia mayor dan pengaruh suplementasi seng terhadap kualitas respons imun pasca-splenektomi.
2014 | BY Saptawati Bardosono - Teny Tjitra Sari - Djajadiman Gatot - Arwin A. P. Akib- Immune response of thalassemia major and zinc supplementation effects on immune response quality of post-splenectomy thalassemia major.
- Nomor Panggil D14028fk
Pengaruh Seng, Beta-Carotene dan Vitamin D3 terhadap Regulator Inflamasi Kelahiran Preterm: Kajian Ekspresi Protein Adaptor MyD88 dan TRIF, Aktivitas Faktor Transkripsi NFκB, dan Sitokin Proinflamasi IL-1β.
2018 | BY Rima Irwinda - Saptawati Bardosono - Ali Sungkar - Noroyono Wibowo- Role of Zinc, Beta-Carotene and Vitamin D3 towards Inflammatory Regulator of Preterm Birth: The Study of Expression of Adaptor Protein MyD88 and TRIF, Activity of Transcription Factor NFκB and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine IL1β.
- Nomor Panggil D18038fk
Kadar Seng Serum dan Hubungannya dengan Asupan Seng dalam Diet Ibu Hamil Trimester Satu di Jakarta Tahun 2015
2015 | BY Rishka Purniawati - Saptawati Bardosono- Zinc Serum Level and Its Correlation with Zinc Intake in First Trimester Pregnant Women in Jakarta, 2015.
- Nomor Panggil S15118FK