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Efek Paparan Ekstrak Rimpang Kunyit (Curcuma longa) dan Camphor terhadap Mortalitas, Aktivitas Enzim Detoksifikasi, dan Perilaku Menghisap Darah Culex quinquefasciatus
2022 | BY Adinda Dhea Suciana Hamka - Rizal Subahar
  • The Effect of Turmeric Rhizome Extract (Curcuma longa) and Camphor on Culex Quinquefasciatus Mortality, Detoxification Enzyme Activity, and Blood Sucking Behavior.
  • Nomor Panggil S22049fk


Efek Curcumin dan Hexahydrothimol terhadap Nyamuk Betina Culex quinquefasciatus: Kajian terhadap Mortalitas, Aktivitas Enzim Detoksifikasi, dan Perilaku Menghisap Darah
2022 | BY Savana Jacqueline Dooley - Rizal Subahar
  • The effects of Curcumin and Hexahydrothymol to Adult Female Mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus: A study on Mortality, Detoxification Enzyme Activity, and Blood Feeding Activity.
  • Nomor Panggil S22025fk


Peningkatan Aktivitas Asetilkolinesterase pada Resistensi Larva Culex quinquefasciatus terhadap Malation dan Deltametrin
2020 | BY Sakinah Rahma Sari - Rizal Subahar
  • The Enhancement of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Culex quinquefasciatus Larva Resistance Against Malathion and Deltamethrin.
  • Nomor Panggil S20077fk


Pengaruh ekstrak daun tua tanaman sereh dapur (Cymbopogon citratus (DC) stapf) terhadap kematian larva nyamuk demam berdarah dengue Aedes aegypti
2017 | BY Jaffray Diaztri Pasereng Rambak - Rizal Subahar
  • The effect of old leaf extract of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) stapf against the mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae.
  • Nomor Panggil S17123fk


Efektivitas larvasida dari ekstrak batang muda Euphorbiaceae tirucalli dengan pelarut etil asetat terhadap larva nyamuk Aedes aegypti instar III dan IV
2017 | BY Pavita Musi Sartika Hutauruk - Rizal Subahar
  • The Effectivity of Dewy Stem Of Euphorbiaceae tirucalli Extract with Ethyl Acetate Larvacide Against III-IV Larval Instars Of Aedes aegypti.
  • Nomor Panggil S17056fk


Uji Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Metanol Rimpang Curcuma Domestica Val yang Mengandung Nanokomposit Ag-TiO2 terhadap Larva dan Nyamuk Dewasa Aedes aegypti
2018 | BY Armand - Rizal Subahar
  • Effect of Curcuma domestica rhizome extract on the mortality of Aedes aegypti.
  • Nomor Panggil S18041fk


Hubungan Perilaku Bersih dengan Keberadaan Tungau Debu Rumah Di Tangerang Selatan dan Jakarta Timur
2015 | BY Jean Budi Pratista Devi - Rizal Subahar
  • Relationship Behavior of Clean and the existence of House Dust Mites in South Jakarta and East Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S15333FK


Prevalensi Infeksi Soil Transmitted Helminths dan Hubungannya dengan Perilaku Kebersihan pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Daerah Kumuh dan Tidak Kumuh, Jakarta
2015 | BY Anak Agung Istri Intan Yuniari - Rizal Subahar
  • Prevalence of Soil Transmitted Helminths Infection and its Association with the Hygiene of Elementary School Students in Slums and non-slums, Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S15103FK


Hubungan Prevalensi Infeksi Ascaris lumbricoides dan Trichuris trichiura terhadap Usia dan Jenis Kelamin pada Anak di Kalibaru dan Batu Ampar, Jakarta
2015 | BY Sabrina Ratna Palupi - Rizal Subahar
  • The Correlation of the Prevalence of Ascaris lumbricoides and Trichuris trichiura Infection toward the Age and the Gender of Children in Kalibaru and Batu Ampar Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S15075FK


Pengaruh Kepadatan Keluarga dan Luas Rumah terhadap Prevalensi Infeksi Soil-transmitted Helminths di Keluarga Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Jakarta
2015 | BY Irvin Rembrant Holleritz Sitompul - Rizal Subahar
  • The effect of family density and house’s area on the prevalence of soil-transmitted helminths infection in families of elementary school students in Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S15073FK