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Pengaruh Toksisitas in vitro β-Asaron dan Ekstrak Rimpang Jeringau (Acorus calamus L.) terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti: Mortalitas, Enzim Detoksifikasi, dan Histopatologi Midgut
2022 | BY Rafaella Shiene Wijaya - Rizal Subahar
  • Toxicity Effect of β-Asarone and Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus L.) Rhizome Extract against Aedes aegypti Larvae in vitro: Mortality, Detoxification Enzymes Activity, and Midgut Histopathological Changes.
  • Nomor Panggil S22064fk


Efektivitas ekstrak daun kemangi (Ocimum sanctum) dengan fraksi etil asetat sebagai larvasida untuk larva Aedes aegypti instar III-IV
2017 | BY Alvyn Yeremia Pribadi - Rizal Subahar
  • Effectiveness of Ocimum sanctum leaf extract with ethyl acetate solvent as a larvicide for Instar III-IV Aedes aegypti Larvae.
  • Nomor Panggil S17166fk


Aktivitas Larvasida Ekstrak Zingiber purpureum Roxb (Bangle) yang Mengandung Nanokomposit Ag-TiO terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti
2017 | BY Ridha Ulya - Rizal Subahar
  • Larvicidal Activity of Zingiber purpureum Roxb (bangle) Extract with Ag-TiO2 Nanocomposite against Aedes aegypti Larvae.
  • Nomor Panggil S17148fk


Pengaruh ekstrak daun tua tanaman sereh dapur (Cymbopogon citratus (DC) stapf) terhadap kematian larva nyamuk demam berdarah dengue Aedes aegypti
2017 | BY Jaffray Diaztri Pasereng Rambak - Rizal Subahar
  • The effect of old leaf extract of Cymbopogon citratus (DC) stapf against the mortality of Aedes aegypti larvae.
  • Nomor Panggil S17123fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak Biji Carica papaya dengan Nanokomposit AgTiO2 terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti
2017 | BY Widya Steffi Andyani - Rizal Subahar
  • Effect of Carica papaya Seed Extract Added with Nanocomposite AgTiO2 on Aedes Aegypti Larvae .
  • Nomor Panggil S17055fk


Efektivitas Larvasida dari Ekstrak Bunga Lantana camara (Tanaman Tembelek) dengan Pelarut Etil Asetat Terhadap Larva Aedes aegypti Instar III dan IV
2017 | BY Henrico Citrawijaya - Rizal Subahar
  • Larvicidal Effectiveness of Lantana camara flower Extract with Ethyl Acetat Solvent Against Aedes aegypti Larvae Instar III and IV.
  • Nomor Panggil S17019fk


Aktivitas Insektisida Ekstrak Metanol Rimpang Jahe (Zingiber officinale) yang Mengandung Nanokomposit Perak Titanium Dioksida terhadap Larva dan Nyamuk Aedes aegypti
2018 | BY Medisya Yasmine - Rizal Subahar
  • Insecticidal activity of methanolic extract of Zingiber officinale rhizome containing Ag-TiO2 nanocomposite against Aedes aegypti larvae and mosquitoes.
  • Nomor Panggil S18118fk


Pengaruh Ekstrak kulit Citrus sinensis dengan Pelarut Alkohol yang Mengandung Nanokomposit Ag-TiO2 terhadap Presentase Kematian Larva Aedes aegypti
2017 | BY Sakinah Anibras - Rizal Subahar
  • Effect of Citrus sinensis Peel Alcoholic Extract Containing Ag- TiO2 Nanocomposite on Percentage of Mortality Aedes aegypti Larvae.
  • Nomor Panggil S17061fk


Pengaruh ekstrak metanol dan fraksi daun duku (Lansium domesticum) terhadap perkembangan larva Aedes aegypti: Fokus pada kerusakan midgut, aktivitas enzim esterase dan glutathione S-transferase
2017 | BY Ismalia Husna - Agus Aulung - Rizal Subahar
  • Effect of methanol extract and fraction of Lansium domesticum leaves on the development of Aedes aegypti larvae: Focus on midgut impairment, esterase, and glutathione S-transferase enzymes activities.
  • Nomor Panggil T17598fk