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Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku Orang Tua Murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama di Jakarta terhadap Strabismus
2024 | BY Ratna Prihartanti - Anna P. Bani - Yeni Dwi Lestari - Amilya Agustina
  • Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice among Parents of Junior High School Students in Jakarta towards Strabismus.
  • Nomor Panggil T24082fk


Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Reflux Symptom Score Versi Bahasa Indonesia Pada Pasien Refluks Laringofaring
2023 | BY Arsi Shabrina - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Susyana Tamin - Elvie Zulka K. R. - Syahrial M. Hutauruk - Harim Priyono - Nuri Dyah Indrasari - Joedo Prihartanto
  • Validity and Reliability of Reflux Symptom Score Indonesian Version In Laryngopharyngeal Reflux Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T23361fk


Disfungsi Tuba Eustachius Pada Penggunaan Botol Susu
2023 | BY Ivana Supit - Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Tri Juda Airlangga - Widayat Alviandi - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono
  • Eustachian Tube Dysfunction related to Bottle Feeding.
  • Nomor Panggil T23359fk


Refluks Laringofaring sebagai Faktor Risiko Otitis Media Efusi pada Anak Usia Taman Kanak Kanak dan Sekolah Dasar di Kotamadya Jakarta Timur
2014 | BY DWI AGUSTAWAN NUGROHO - Ratna D Restuti - Susyana Tamin - Syahrial M Hutauruk - Muchtarudin Mansyur
  • Laryngopharyngeal reflux as a risk factor of otitis media with effusion in children at Kindergarteen and Elementary School in East Jakarta District.
  • Nomor Panggil T14166fk


Prevalensi Manifestasi Okular human Immunodeficiency Virus/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome di DKI jakarta
2009 | BY Yeni Dwi Lestari - Ratna Sitompul - Zubairi Djoerban - Lukman Edwar - Retno Asti Werdhani
  • Nomor Panggil T09139fk


Pengaruh Penyegelan Menggunakan Plastic Tape untuk Mengurangi Kebocoran pada Respirator N-95 tipe 1860
2021 | BY Jenny Bashiruddin - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono - Widayat Alviandi - Luthfi Ari Wibowo - Dewi S. Soemarko - Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf - Joedo Prihartanto - Mirta H. Reksodiputro - Dini W. Widodo
  • The Effect of Sealing Using Plastic Tape to Reduce Leakage in Respirator N-95 type 1860 .
  • Nomor Panggil T21188fk


Pengaruh Variasi Bentuk Wajah terhadap Prevalensi Kebocoran Respirator N-95 tipe 1860 dan 9105 Pada Tenaga Kesehatan
2021 | BY Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono - Joedo Prihartono - Shally Adhina Putri - Dewi S. Soemarko - Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf - Trimartani Koento - Mirta H. Reksodiputro
  • The Effect of Facial Shape Variation on the Leakage Prevelance of N-95 Respirators type 1860 and 9105 in Health Workers.
  • Nomor Panggil T21144fk


Efektivitas Filtrasi Respirator N95 Pasca-Paparan UVGI Berulang di Bilik UVGI RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2020 | BY Tara Candida Mariska - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono - Arie Cahyono - Brastho Bramantyo - Dewi S. Soemarko - Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf - Fitri Arman - Joedo Prihartanto
  • Effectivity of N95 Respirators Filtration After Repeated UVGI Disinfection In UVGI Chamber of RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo.
  • Nomor Panggil T20451fk


Kesetaraan metode aspirasi dan swab modifikasi sebagai metode pengambilan sekret telinga tengah pada kasus otitis media supuratif kronik tipe aman aktif (Penelitian Pendahuluan)
2013 | BY Putri Anugrah Rizki - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Halim Priyono - Saptawati Bardosono - Anis Kurniawati
  • Equality method of aspiration and swab modification in collecting chronic supurative otitis media secrete mucous type (Preliminary Study).
  • Nomor Panggil T13175fk