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Prevalensi Diabetes Mellitus dan Prevalensi Gangguan Toleransi Glukosa serta Hubungannya dengan Status Besi Subjek Thalassemia Mayor Usia 8-18 Tahun
2016 | BY Andrian Fahril Ode Putra - Pustika Amalia Wahidiyat
  • Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Intolerance and its Association with Iron Profile in 8-18 Years Old Major Thalassemia Subjects.
  • Nomor Panggil S16156FK


Indeks transferin sebagai penanda perubahan status besi pasien thalassemia mayor pasca transfusi dan pasca terapi kelasi
2016 | BY Ina S Timan - Salma Sagran - Pustika Amalia
  • Index transferrin as a marker of iron status changes in major thalassemia patients post transfusion and post chelation therapy.
  • Nomor Panggil T16324FK


Pengaruh transfusi packed red cell (PRC) terhadap status besi bayi prematur usia gestasi 28-32 minggu
2021 | BY Adhariana HK - Rinawati Rohsiswatmo - Pustika Amalia - Wahyuni Indawati
  • Effect of packed red cell (PRC) on the iron status of preterm infants 28-32 weeks gestasional age.
  • Nomor Panggil T21117fk