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Pengaruh Pajanan Musik Klasik Terhadap Nafsu Makan Tikus Galur Wistar.
2009 | BY Pratiwi Rapih Astuti Natsir - Nurhadi Ibrahim- The Effect of Classical Music Exposure on food Appetite of The Wistar-Strained Rat.
- Nomor Panggil S09135fk
Efek neuroprotektif ekstrak akar acalypha indica linn 300mg/kgbb dan 400mg/kgbb terhadap kerusakan inti sel saraf hipokampus tikus pasca iskemia
2013 | BY Ade Ilyas mukmin - Nurhadi Ibrahim- Neuroprotective effect of acalypha indica linn root extract 300mg/kgbb and 400mg/kgbb on post ischemic nuclear damage in hippocampal neuron of rat.
- Nomor Panggil S13077fk
Pengaruh ekstrak etanol propolis lebah Tetragonula sapiens dari Sulawesi Selatan terhadap pertumbuhan dendrit dan ekspresi BDNF pada kultur primer neuron korteks serebri embrio tikus
2022 | BY Amirah Yusnidar - Imelda Rosalyn Sianipar - Nurhadi Ibrahim- The effect of ethanol extract of South Sulawesi propolis from the Tetragonula sapiens bee on dendrite growth and BDNF expression in primary cultures of cerebral cortex neurons of rat embryo.
- Nomor Panggil T22534fk
Pengaruh ekstrak metanol Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. terhadap kadar Glucagon like peptide-1 dan Neuropeptide Y di nukleus arkuata hipotalamus untuk pengendalian berat badan pada tikus obes
2022 | BY Rickie - Gulshan Fahmi El Bayani - Nurhadi Ibrahim - Minarma Siagian - Neng Tine Kartinah- The effect of methanolic extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn. on glucagon like peptide-1 and neuropeptide Y levels in arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus to control body weight of obese rat.
- Nomor Panggil T22066fk
Pengaruh Pajanan Musik Rock terhadap Perubahan Berat Badan Tikus Galur Wistar.
2009 | BY Hendy Kristyanto - Nurhadi Ibrahim- The Influence of Rock Music on Wistar Rat’s Body Weight.
- Nomor Panggil S09003fk
Aktivitas antioksidan pada ekstrak daging pisang uli (musa AAB 'pisang uli') dibandingkan dengan vitamin A, vitamin C dan katekin
2009 | BY Noraishah bt Abdul Aziz - Nurhadi Ibrahim- Nomor Panggil S09171fk