Hasil Pencarian

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Ilmu Obstetri edisi 1
2015 | BY Noroyono Wibowo, dkk
  • Nomor Panggil WQ 18 I2997 2015


Resistensi Arteri Uterina, Annexin-V, Soluble Tumor Necrosing Factor-Receptor 2, dan Soluble FMS-Like Tyrosin Kinase-1 sebagai Prediktor Preeklamsia/Eklamsia dan Pertumbuhan Janin Terhambat.
2016 | BY Noroyono Wibowo - Biran Affandi - Didi Danukusumo
  • Uterine Artery Resistance, Annexin-V, soluble Tumor Necrosing Factor-Receptor 2, and soluble FMS-Like Tyrosine Kinase-1 as Predictors of Preeclampsia / Eclampsia and Fetal Growth Restriction.
  • Nomor Panggil D16009fk


Peran Nutrisi dan Kegagalan Autofagi pada Patomekanisme Preeklamsia.
2017 | BY Martina Hutabarat - Suhendro - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Role of Nutrition and Autophagy Failure in Pathomechanism of Preeclampsia.
  • Nomor Panggil D17007fk


Pengaruh Seng, Beta-Carotene dan Vitamin D3 terhadap Regulator Inflamasi Kelahiran Preterm: Kajian Ekspresi Protein Adaptor MyD88 dan TRIF, Aktivitas Faktor Transkripsi NFκB, dan Sitokin Proinflamasi IL-1β.
2018 | BY Rima Irwinda - Saptawati Bardosono - Ali Sungkar - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Role of Zinc, Beta-Carotene and Vitamin D3 towards Inflammatory Regulator of Preterm Birth: The Study of Expression of Adaptor Protein MyD88 and TRIF, Activity of Transcription Factor NFκB and Pro-Inflammatory Cytokine IL1β.
  • Nomor Panggil D18038fk


Peran Inflamasi dan Apoptosis terhadap Jejas Jantung/ Pembuluh Darah pada Preeklamsia Awitan Dini dan Lanjut: Kajian terhadap NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL dan Cyclophilin A.
2020 | BY Novi Resistantie - Noroyono Wibowo - Damar Prasmusinto - Ali Sungkar - Nurjati Chairani Siregar - Joedo Prihartono
  • The Role of Inflammation and Apoptosis Impact on Cardiovascular Injury in Early Onset and Late Onset Preeclampsia: Study on NF- Kß, PARP-1, TUNEL assay and Cyclophilin A.
  • Nomor Panggil D20011fk


Perbandingan Kadar Delta Hemoglobin Darah Perifer Pasien Preeklampsia dengan Kehamilan Normal dan Korelasinya dengan Kadar Omega-3 Eritrosit Dan Rasio Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1/Placental Growth Factor Serum
2023 | BY Achmad Feryanto - Yudianto Budi Saroyo - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Comparison of Delta Hemoglobin Levels in Peripheral Blood of Preeclampsia Patients with Normal Pregnancies and Correlation with Erythrocyte Omega-3 Levels and Serum Soluble Fms-Like Tyrosine Kinase 1/Placental Growth Factor Ratio.
  • Nomor Panggil T23559fk


Pengaruh Terapi Vitamin D3 terhadap Kadar 25(OH)D dan 1,25(OH)2D Serum pada Wanita Hamil dengan Defisiensi dan Insufisiensi Vitamin D
2023 | BY Inayah Syafitri - Noroyono Wibowo - Rima Irwinda
  • The Effect of Vitamin D Therapy on 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D Serum Maternal Concentration in Pregnant Women with Insufficiency or Deficiency of Vitamin D.
  • Nomor Panggil T23540fk


Perbandingan Kadar Seng, Selenium, Besi, Tembaga dan Rasio Tembaga Seng Serum Maternal Pada Preeklamsia Dan Kehamilan Normal
2017 | BY Ilham Utama Surya - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Comparing Zinc, Selenium, Iron, Copper Level And Copper to Zinc Ratio of Maternal Serum In Preeclampsia and Healthy Pregnancy.
  • Nomor Panggil T17210fk


Perbandingan Kadar Seng, Selenium, Besi dan Tembaga pada Serum Darah Maternal Kehamilan Normal dan Preterm
2017 | BY Fitriana - Noroyono Wibowo
  • Comparison of Zinc, Selenium, Iron and Copper in Normal and Preterm Pregnancy in Maternal Blood Serum.
  • Nomor Panggil T17170fk


Evaluasi Biomarka Angiogenesis (sFlt-1, PlGF, RAsio sFlt- 1/PlGF) Serum dan Plasenta Ibu dengan Komplikasi Preeklamsia Awitan Dini dan Lambat
2023 | BY Rina Gustuti - Noroyono Wibowo - Rima Irwinda
  • Evaluation of Angiogenesis Biomarkers (sFlt-1, PlGF, Ratio of sFlt-1/PlGF) Serum and Placenta from Mother with Complication of Early Onset and Late Onset Preeclampsia.
  • Nomor Panggil T23306fk