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Efek Hepatoprotektif Oncom Merah dan Oncom Hitam pada Tikus Jantan yang Diberi CCl4 : Pengamatan terhadap Aktivitas AST dan ALT Serum
2018 | BY Naufal Arkan Abiyyu Ibrahim - Mohamad Sadikin- Hepatoprotective Effects of Red Oncom and Black Oncom Extract on Male Rats Given CCl4 : Observation on the Activity of serum AST and ALT.
- Nomor Panggil S18063fk
Efek Hepatoprotektif Ekstrak Oncom Merah dan Oncom Hitam Terhadap Aktivitas Fosfatase Alkali dan Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Hati Tikus yang diberi Karbon Tetraklorida
2018 | BY Anggi Angelina Permatasari - Mohamad Sadikin- Hepatoprotective Effects of Red Oncom and Black Oncom Extract on the Activity of Alkaline Phosphatase and Gamma Glutamyl Transferase of Rat Liver given Carbon Tetrachloride.
- Nomor Panggil S18052fk
Pengaruh Pemberian Oncom Merah dan Pengaruh Pemberian Oncom Hitam terhadap Kadar Glutation Tereduksi dan Malondialdehid Hati Tikus yang Diberi CCl4
2018 | BY Syifa Sekar Larasati - Mohamad Sadikin- The Effect of Red Oncom Administration and The Effect of Black Oncom Administration to Reduced Glutathione and Malondialdehyde Level on Rat’s Liver which is Given CCl4.
- Nomor Panggil S18051fk
Triglyceride Concentration In Seminal Fluid Analysis And Its Relation On Asthenozoospermia In Infertile Population Of Males In Indonesia
2016 | BY Galuh Ayu Aziiza - Mohamad Sadikin- Konsentrasi Trigliserida pada analisis cairan seminal dan hubunganya dengan asthenozoospermia pada populasi pria infertile di Indonesia.
- Nomor Panggil S16226fk
Effects of Jengkol Bean Administration on the Methemoglobin Reduction in the Oxidized Sheep Red Blood Cells
2016 | BY Putra Riza Pratama - Mohamad Sadikin- Efek dari Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Jengkol terhadap Reduksi Methemoglobin pada Sel Darah Merah Domba yang Teroksidasi.
- Nomor Panggil S16224fk
The Correlation between Malondialdehyde Concentration in Seminal Fluid Analysis and Asthenozoospermia among Infertile Males
2016 | BY Debora Roselita Karo Sekali - Mohamad Sadikin- Hubungan antara Konsentrasi Malondialdehida pada Analisis Seminal Plasma dan Astenozoospermia pada Populasi Pria Infertil .
- Nomor Panggil S16222fk
The Association between Seminal Plasma Glutathione Concentration and Asthenozoospermia in Infertile Men
2016 | BY Anshorulloh Abd Fath - Mohamad Sadikin- Hubungan antara Konsentrasi Glutation di Plasma Semen dengan Asthenozoospermia pada Pria Infertil.
- Nomor Panggil S16217fk
Modulasi komponen imun: Antibodi antisperma (ASA), interleukin 6, interleukin 10, interferon γ, indoleamin 2,3 dioksigenase, dan populasi sel T regulator CD4 + CD25+ FoxP3+ pada perempuan dengan infertilitas tidak terjelaskan yang mendapatkan Paternal Lymphocyte Immunization (PLI).
2020 | BY Nani Sari Murni - Mohamad Sadikin - Indra Gusti Mansur - Ichramsyah A. Rahman- Modulation of the immune component: Antisperma antibodies (ASA), interleukin 6, interleukin10, interferon γ, indoleamin 2,3 dioksigenase, and T regulatory cells CD4 + CD25+ FoxP3+ in female with unexplained infertility who gets Paternal Lymphocyte Immunization (PLI).
- Nomor Panggil D20016fk
The Effect of Durian (Durio spp.) Consumption on the Blood High- Density Lipoprotein Level.
2013 | BY Mohamad Sadikin - Rahadiansyah Ramadhani- Efek Konsumsi Durian (Durio spp.) Terhadap Tingkat High-Density Lipoprotein.
- Nomor Panggil S13259fk
The impact of durian (Durio spp.) administration on the blood cholesterol level.
2013 | BY Mohamad Sadikin - Nabila Aljufri- Efek dari konsumsi durian (Durio spp.) terhadap level kolesterol dalam darah.
- Nomor Panggil S13258fk