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Phytochemical Analysis, Antioxidant and Anticancer Effects of Clitoria ternatae Extract on Breast T47D Cancer Cells
2020 | BY Shahjahan Pasha Mahindra - Melva Louisa- Analisis fitokimia, efek antioksidan dan antikanker dari ekstrak clitoria ternatae terhadap sel kanker payudara T47D.
- Nomor Panggil S20219fk
Pengaruh Nanopartikel Kurkumin terhadap Hepatotoksisitas Cisplatin pada Terapi Kanker Ovarium Tikus Melalui Modulasi Jalur Persinyalan Antioksidan Nrf2/Keap1
2020 | BY Azis Muhammad Putera - Melva Louisa- Effects of Nanocurcumin on Cisplatin-Induced Hepatotoxicity in Rat Ovarian Cancer Model by Modulation of the Nrf2/Keap1 Antioxidant Signaling Pathway.
- Nomor Panggil S20036fk
Kajian efek antioksidan kombinasi ekstrak etanol Acalypha Indica dan Centella Asiatica pada fungsi hati tikus Spraque Dawley pascahipoksia sistemik
2014 | BY Melva Louisa - Novi Silvia Hardiany - Agnes Frethernety- Study on the effects of antioxidant in combination extract ethanol Acalypha Indica and Centella Asiatica toward the liver function of Spraque Dawley rats on post-hypoxia systemic.
- Nomor Panggil T14565fk
Kajian aktivitas antioksidan, modulasi sitokin TNF-alfa dan TGF-β1 oleh mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa)pada pencegahan fibrosis hati pada tikus yang diinduksi karbon tetraklorida
2014 | BY Melva Louisa - Vivian Soetikno - Nanik Sundari- Antioxidant, TNF- α and TGF-β1 modulating properties of Mahkota dewa (Phaleria macrocarpa)on the prevention of carbon-tetrachloride induced liver fibrosis in rats
- Nomor Panggil T14530fk
Efek induksi besi berlebih dan ekstrak daun Mangifera foetida L. bersamaan terhadap kadar besi, ferritin, dan aktivitas antioksidan pada tikus Spraque Dawley
2015 | BY Melva Louisa - Purnama Fajri - Ari Estuningtyas- The effect of excess iron induction and leaves extract Mangifera foetida L. given simultaneously to the levels of iron, ferritin, and anti-oxidant activity in the Spraque Dawley rats.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 318 FK