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Korelasi antara Jumlah Partikel HBsAg Intrahepatik dengan Kadar Serum Kuantitatif HBsAg Pada Pasien Hepatitis B Kronis Naif Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengobatan Satu Tahun dengan Nukleosida Analog
2013 | BY Budiman Sujatmika - Marcellus Simadibrata - Cleopas Martin Rumende - Rino A Gani
  • The Correlation between the Number of Intrahepatic HBsAg Particles and HBsAg Quantitative Serum Level in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B Naive before and after Treatment One Years with Nucleoside Analogue.
  • Nomor Panggil T13492fk


Perubahan Derajat Kekakuan Hati secaraTransient Elastography dan Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index pada Pasien Hepatitis B Kronik yang Mendapat Terapi Antivirus
2013 | BY Riki Tenggara - Rino Alvani Gani - Marcellus Simadibrata - Hamzah Shatri
  • The changes of liver stiffness with Transient Elastography and Aspartate Aminotransferase to Platelet Ratio Index in chronic Hepatitis B virus after one year of antiviral treatment.
  • Nomor Panggil T13333fk