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Kesesuaian Temuan Perluasan Tumor dan Limfadenopati Kanker Serviks Stadium Awal (IB dan IIA) berdasarkan Computed Tomography Scan dan Histerektomi Radikal
2013 | BY Galuh Ayu Treswari - Joedo Prihartono - Soemanadi - Evlina Suzan - Kardinah- “Compatibility between the Tumor’s Expansion and the Lymphatic Spread of the Early-stage Cervical Cancer Based on Computed Tomography Scan and Radical Hysterectomy”.
- Nomor Panggil T13394fk
Kesesuaian Kategori BI-RADS Mamografi dengan Pemeriksaan Histopatologi di RS Kanker Dharmais
2013 | BY Yulia Rachmawati M P - Joedo Prihartono - Samuel J Haryono - Evlina Suzzana - Kardinah- The Association between BI-RADS mammography Category with Histopatological Examination at Dharmais Cancer Hospital.
- Nomor Panggil T13383fk
Metastasis kelenjar getah bening retrofaring pada penderita karsinoma nasofaring dengan pemeriksaan computed tomography di Rumah Sakit Kanker "Dharmais"
2013 | BY Florensa Sihaloho - Kardinah - Budianto Komari - Evlina Suzanna- Retropharyngeal lymph node metastatic in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients with nasopharyngeal computed tomography examination in Dharmais Cancer Hospital
- Nomor Panggil T13066FK