Hasil Pencarian

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Gambaran CT Scan Toraks Adenokarsinoma Paru Berdasarkan Status Mutasi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
2018 | BY Tatin Rustin Hartiarsah - Vally Wulani - Telly Kamelia - Lisnawati - Joedo Prihartono
  • CT Characteristics of Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation Status at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T18522fk


Hubungan Hasil Pemeriksaan Estrogen-Progesteron (ER-PR), human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor-2 (HER2), dan Indeks Poliferasi (KI-67) terhadap Rekurensi Kanker Payudara Berdasarkan Hasil Pencitraan 18F-FDG PET/CT di RS Kanker Dharmais
2014 | BY ROSMA YULITA - Lenny Sari - Joedo Prihartono - Kardinah - Walta Gautama
  • Relationship of Examination Results Estrogen- Progesterone Receptor (PR- ER), Human Epidermal growt Factor Receptor-2 (Her2), and proliferation index (Ki-67) against Breast Cancer Recurrence Based on results of 18FFDG Imaging PET / CT in Cancer Hospital Dharmais
  • Nomor Panggil T14287fk


Korelasi antara fraksi ejeksi jantung dengan kadar endothelin-1 darah tali pusat pada pertumbuhan janin terhambat dan normal
2007 | BY Wulandari Eka Sari - Gulardi H. Wiknjosastro - Joedo Prihartono
  • Nomor Panggil TWQ210.5S243k2007


Peran Nilai Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Plasenta dalam Mendiagnosis Pertumbuhan Janin Terhambat: Telaah Sistematis dan Meta-Analisis
2021 | BY Sandra Listiarini - Mohammad Yanuar Amal - Joedo Prihartono - Damayanti Sekarsari
  • Role of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of the Placenta in Diagnosing Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
  • Nomor Panggil T21444fk


Gambaran Ekspresi Vascular Endhothelial Growth Factor C pada Karsinoma Nasofaring di RS Cipto Mangunkusumo Jakarta
2010 | BY Wisanti Zarwin - Zanil Musa - Marlinda Adham - Lisnawati - Joedo Prihartono
  • Nomor Panggil T10171fk


Pengaruh Kadar Gula Darah Terhadap Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor dan Placental Growth Factor Plasma dan Vitreus pada Tikus Diabetik
2016 | BY Anggun Rama Yudantha - Nina Asrini Noor - Joedo Prihartono
  • Effect of Blood Glucose Control Towards Plasma and Vitreous Levels of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor and Placental Growth Factor in Diabetic Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 432 FK