Hasil Pencarian

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Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Kuesioner SPS-6 Sebagai Penilaian Komponen Kesehatan Presenteeism di Indonesia
2019 | BY Herqutanto - Ferry Afero Tanama - Nuri Purwito Adi
  • Validity and Reliability Test of SPS-6 Questionnaire as an Assessment of Presenteeism Health Components in Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T19539fk


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Shoulder Pain and Disability Index versi Bahasa Indonesia sebagai Alat Ukur Nyeri dan Disabilitas pada Penderita Nyeri Bahu
2019 | BY Angela BM Tulaar - Herqutanto - Dosmaria - I Nyoman Murdana
  • Validity and Reliability test of Shoulder Pain and Disability Index Indonesian version as measurement tool of pain and disability in patients with shoulder pain.
  • Nomor Panggil T19484fk


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Communication Function Classification System Versi Bahasa Indonesia pada Penderita Palsi Serebral
2022 | BY Ratna Ekawati - Herqutanto - Lestaria Ariyanti - Luh K. Wahyuni
  • Validity and Reliability Test of Indonesian Version of the Communication Function Classification System on Patients with Cerebral Palsy.
  • Nomor Panggil T22455fk


Uji validasi dan reliabilitas instrumen profil sensori singkat untuk anak usia 3-10 tahun
2014 | BY Allan Yudhiatmoko - Adre Mayza - Yetty Ramli - Herqutanto
  • Validation and reliability study of short sensory profile instrument for children age 3-10 years.
  • Nomor Panggil T14010fk


Uji validitas dan reliabilitas Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) versi Bahasa Indonesia sebagai instrumen penilaian stres kerja pada perawat
2017 | BY Hasto Harsono - Herqutanto - Suryo Wibowo
  • Validity and Reliability Test of Indonesian version of Expanded Nursing Stress Scale (ENSS) as a job-stress assessment tool for nurses.
  • Nomor Panggil T17077fk