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Hubungan Viral Load EBV pada Plasma dan Tumor di Kanker Nasofaring Stadium Lokal Lanjut dan Stadium Lanjut
2019 | BY I Made Haryoga - Soehartati Gondhowiardjo - Marlinda Adham - Lisnawati - Henry Kodrat
  • The Relationship of Plasma and Tumors EBV Viral Load in Locally Advanced and Advanced Stage Nasopharyngeal Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil T19499fk


Korelasi Antara Apoptosis Dengan Kadar Malondialdehyde dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Enzimatik Katalase Pada Kanker Leher Rahim Stadium Lokal Lanjut
2013 | BY Henry Kodrat - Nurjati Chairani Siregar - Soehartati Gondhowiardo
  • The Correlation Between Apoptosis With Malondialdehyde Levels and Catalase Enzymatic Antioxidant Activity In Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil T13420fk