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Profil Mutasi Polymerase Epsilon (Pole) Dan Ekspresi CD8 Pada Pasien Kanker Endometrium Tipe I Di RS dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo
2022 | BY Raditya Perdhana - T. Dewi Anggraeni - Hartono Tjahjadi - Novi Silvia Hardiany - Herqutanto
  • Profile of Polymerase Epsilon Mutation (POLE) and CD8 Expression in Type I Endometrial Cancer at dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T22606fk


Hubungan Densitas CD8+ Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes Terhadap Respon Terapi Radiasi pada Pasien Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Serviks Stadium IIIB
2022 | BY Timotius Benedict Djitro - Tantri Hellyanti - Hartono Tjahjadi
  • Association between Density of CD8+ TILs and Radiotherapy Response in Stage IIIB Uterine Cervix Squamous Cell Carcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T22493fk


Profil Kadar Sel Treg, Sel T CD4, dan CD8 Pada Kanker Serviks, Hubungannya Dengan Progresivitas Tumor Dan Respons Radiasi
2021 | BY Candra Adi Nugroho - Handoko - Hariyono Winarto - Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Hartono Tjahjadi - Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo - Sahat B.R.E Matondang
  • Profile of Foxp3, CD4, and CD8 level in cervical cancer, its impact to tumor progressivity and radiation response.
  • Nomor Panggil T21248fk