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Uji Fitokimia dan Efek Penghambatan in vitro Ekstrak Etil Asetat, Heksana, dan Etanol Buah Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) terhadap Enzim AlfaGlukosidase sebagai Antidiabetik
2022 | BY Muthia Khansa - Fadilah
  • Phytochemical Test and In Vitro Inhibitory Effect of Ethyl Acetate, Hexane, and Ethanol Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus) Extract on Alpha-Glucosidase Enzyme as Antidiabetic.
  • Nomor Panggil S22045fk


Identifikasi Senyawa Kimia dan Aktivitas Inhibisi Enzim Alfa-Amilase pada Ekstrak Buah Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) sebagai Antidiabetes
2022 | BY Astri Amalia - Fadilah
  • Identification of Chemical Compounds and Inhibition of Alpha-Amylase Enzyme in Okra Fruit (Abelmoschus esculentus) Extract as Antidiabetic.
  • Nomor Panggil S22044fk


Uji Fitokimia dan Uji Sitotoksisitas In Vitro Ekstrak n- Heksana Temu Kunci (Kaempferia Pandurata) dan Nanopartikelnya Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7
2019 | BY Brenda Cristie Edina - Fadilah
  • Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Cytotoxicity of n-Hexane Extract of Kaempferia pandurata and its Nanoparticle to Breast Cancer MCF-7 Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S19060fk


Uji Sitotoksisitas dan Fitokimia Ekstrak Biji Kemang (Mangifera kemanga) terhadap Sel Kanker Kolorektal HT-29
2020 | BY Ersal Rasyid Saharso - Fadilah
  • Cytotoxicity and Phytochemistry test of Kemang (Mangifera kemanga) Seed Extract in HT-29 Colorectal Cancer Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S20157fk


Efek Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Buah Kemang (Mangifera kemanga) pada Galur Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa
2020 | BY Prajnadiyan Catrawardhana - Fadilah
  • Cytotoxicity of Kemang (Mangifera kemanga) Fruit Extract on HeLa Cervical Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil S20155fk


Sintesis Nanopartikel dan Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Temu Kunci (Kaempferia pandurata Roxb.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Sel Kanker Payudara MDA-MB-231
2019 | BY Risya Amelia Rahmawanti - Fadilah
  • Nanoparticle Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Kaempferia pandurata Roxb. Extract to the Growth of MDA-MB231 Breast Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil S19037fk


Uji Fitokimia dan Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Kulit Kemang (Mangifera Kemanga) Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara T47d
2020 | BY Yusuf Mushlih - Fadilah
  • Cytotoxicity and Phytochemical Test of Kemang (Mangifera kemanga) Peel Extract against T47D Breast Cancer Cell.
  • Nomor Panggil S20069fk


Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji In Vitro Ekstrak Etil Asetat dan Etanol Bornetella oligospora sebagai Inhibitor aGlukosidase
2020 | BY Mariska Andrea Siswanto - Fadilah
  • Phytochemical and In Vitro Analysis Ethyl Acetate and Ethanol Extract of Bornetella oligospora as a-Glucosidase Inhibitor.
  • Nomor Panggil S20061fk


Analisis Fitokimia dan Uji In Vitro Ekstrak n-Heksana Mangifera quadrifida Sebagai Inhibitor α-Amilase dan α-Glukosidase
2020 | BY Muhammad Rheza Hilfaziyan Lubis - Fadilah
  • Phytochemical Analysis and In Vitro Study of n-Hexane Extract of Mangifera quadrifida as an Inhibitor of α-amylase and αglucosidase.
  • Nomor Panggil S20002fk


Uji pengaruh ekstrak kulit batang dan ekstrak bunga flamboyan (delonix regia) pada mencit swiss webster yang diinfeksi plasmodium berghei secara in vivo
2013 | BY FATMAWATY - Wahyu Permatasari - Fadilah - Hendri Astuti
  • In vivo study on effect of bark and flower extract of delonix regia to swiss webster mice infected by plasmodium berghei.
  • Nomor Panggil S13023fk