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Korelasi Asupan Magnesium dan Kadar Magnesium Eritrosit dengan Mobilitas Fungsional Pada Lanjut Usia
2016 | BY Silvia Pagitta Tarigan - Sri Sukmaniah - Edy Rizal Wahyudi
  • Correlation of Magnesium Intake and Erythrocyte Magnesium Level with Functional Mobility In Elderly.
  • Nomor Panggil T16195FK


Seroproteksi Pasca-Vaksinasi Influenza dan Hubungannya dengan Influenza-Like Illness pada Populasi Usia Lanjut
2016 | BY Arif Mansjoer - Alisa Nurul Muthia - Sukamto Koesnoe - Edy Rizal Wahyudi
  • Seroprotection After Influenza Vaccination and Its Relationship with Influenza-Like Illness in the Elderly.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 309 FK


Faktor-Faktor Prediktor Serokonversi Pasca-Vaksinasi Influenza pada Lansia
2016 | BY Arif Mansjoer - Saskia Aziza Nursyirwan - Sukamto Koesnoe - Edy Rizal Wahyudi
  • Predictor Factors Affecting Seroconversion Post-Influenza Vaccination in the Elderly.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 429 FK


Hubungan Status Frailty dengan Serokonversi dan Seroproteksi Vaksin Influenza pada Populasi Usia Lanjut
2016 | BY Ummu Habibah - Sukamto Koesnoe - Edy Rizal Wahyudi
  • The Relationship between Frailty Status and Seroconversion and Seroprotection of Influenza Vaccine in Elderly Population.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 382 FK