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Analisis In silico dan karakterisasi sel sperma setelah dikultur bersama dengan sel epitel kaput epididimis mencit yang ditransfeksi siRNA Defb20.
2023 | BY Luluk Yunaini - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Matti Poutanen - Delvac Oceandy- In silico analysis and sperm characterization after co-culture with siRNA-mediated knockdown of Defb20 in caput epididymal cell culture.
- Nomor Panggil D23031fk
Pengaruh Ekstrak Kedelai Terhadap Kadar MDA, GSH, Insulin, Konsentrasi Telomerase, Ekspresi Telomerase Revers Transcriptase (TERT) dan Jumlah sel Pankreas pada Tikus Diabetes Mellitus yang diinduksi Aloksan.
2017 | BY Franciscus D. Suyatna - Mohamad Sadikin - Muhammad Samsul Mustofa - Dwi Ari Pujianto- The effect of Soybean Extract to Levels of MDA, GSH, Insulin, Telomerase Concentration, Telomerase Revers Transcriptase (TERT) Expression and the number of pancreatic -cells in the alloxan induced diabetes mellitus rats.
- Nomor Panggil D17001fk
Efek penambahan hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) terhadap motilitas, integritas membran, kemampuan penetrasi lendir serviks dan aktivasi fosforilasi protein tirosin pada sel spermatozoa
2019 | BY Ida Ayu Sharma Sharaswati - Dwi Ari Pujianto - Yulhasri- Effects of adding hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) on motility, membrane integrity, cervical penetration ability and activation of phosphorylation of tyrosine proteins in spermatozoa cells.
- Nomor Panggil T19634fk