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Perbandingan Efek Propofol Target Controlled Infusion dengan Sevofluran sebagai Pemeliharaan Anestesia terhadap Profil Hemodinamik Intraoperatif Resipien Transplantasi Ginjal
2018 | BY R. Besthadi Sukmono - Dita Aditianingsih - Tjues Aryo Agung W
  • Comparison between Target Controlled Infusion of Propofol and Sevoflurane as Maintenance of Anesthesia to Hemodynamic Profile of Renal Transplant Recipient.
  • Nomor Panggil T18077fk


Perbandingan antara terapi oksigen high flow nasal cannula dengan nasal konvensional pada pasien pascabedah abdomen atas : penelitian terhadap indeks isi sekuncup, indeks jantung, indeks resistensi vaskular sistemik, tekanan vena sentral, ScvO2 dan laktat
2019 | BY Luki Sumaratih - Rudyanto Sedono - Dita Aditianingsih
  • Comparison of High Flow Nasal Cannula Oxygen and Conventional Oxygen Therapy in Post – Upper Abdominal Surgery Patients : study on stroke volume index, cardiac index, systemic vascular resistance index, central venous pressure, ScvO2 and lactate serum.
  • Nomor Panggil T19446fk


Nilai Curah Jantung, Tahanan Vaskular Sistemik dan Stroke Volume Variation intraoperatif pada Pasien yang menjalani Operasi Transplantasi Ginjal: Perbandingan Teknik Bio-impedance Analysis dan Pulse Contour Analysis
2018 | BY Dita Aditianingsih - Vivi Medina Ginting - Jefferson Hidayat
  • Cardiac output, systemic vascular resistant and stroke volume variation intraoperative in renal transplantation recipient patients: comparison between Bio-impedance analysis and pulse contour analysis.
  • Nomor Panggil T18076fk