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Hubungan Riwayat Anemia Ibu Saat Kehamilan dan Berat Bayi Lahir Rendah dengan Kejadian Stunting pada Anak Usia 12-23 Bulan di Dili
2024 | BY Florencia Grifit Joiner Da Costa Hornay - Dian Novita Chandra - Wiji Lestari
  • The Relationship Between Maternal Anemia During Pregnancy and Low Birth Weight with the Incidence of stunting in Children Aged 12-23 Months in Dili.
  • Nomor Panggil T24340fk


The effect of maternal supplementation of dadiah during pregnancy on the proportion of gut microbiota, secretory immunoglobulin A level, and child growth.
2022 | BY Badriul Hegar Syarif - Dian Novita Chandra - Zuhrah Taufiqa - Nur Indrawaty Lipoeto
  • Efek suplementasi dadiah pada ibu selama kehamilan terhadap proporsi mikrobiota usus, kadar imunoglobulin A sekretori, dan pertumbuhan anak.
  • Nomor Panggil D22015fk


The Development and Validation of Module on Healthy Eating During Pregnancy in Jakarta, Indonesia
2020 | BY Arieska Malia Novia Putri - Retno Asti Werdhani - Dian Novita Chandra
  • Pengembangan dan Validasi pada Modul Pola Makan Sehat Selama Masa Kehamilan di Area Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Nomor Panggil T20467fk