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Relation between occupational hazard exposure, nutrition intake and factory health service with anemia in female worker
2023 | BY Muchtaruddin Mansyur - Dewi Yunia Fitriani - Nino Putri Arpeni
  • Hubungan antara pajanan hazard kesehatan kerja, asupan gizi dan layanan kesehatan perusahaan dengan anemia perempuan pekerja. Studi Potong Lintang Di Suatu Perusahaan Elektronik
  • Nomor Panggil T23629fk


Hubungan Status Fungsional Sistem Saraf Otonom Berdasarkan Index of Regulation System Activity (IRSA) dengan Profil Glukosa Darah pada Pegawai Fakultas X, Universitas Y tahun 2022
2023 | BY Cikariska Arifin - Winnugroho Wiratman - Dewi Yunia Fitriani
  • The Relationship Between Functional Status of the Autonomic Nervous System Based on the Index of Regulation System Activity (IRSA) and Blood Glucose Profile in Employees of Faculty X, University Y on 2022.
  • Nomor Panggil T23600fk


The Association between Paraquat and Parkinson’s Disease: An Evidence-Based Case Report
2023 | BY Arriz Akbar - Levina Chandra Khoe - Dewi Yunia Fitriani
  • Hubungan antara Paraquat dan Penyakit Parkinson: Sebuah Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti.
  • Nomor Panggil T23077fk


Kesesuaian Parameter Perimetri Melbourne Rapid Fields Terhadap Humphrey Field Analyzer Pada Pasien Glaukoma Derajat Sedang – Berat: Hubungan Tajam Penglihatan Dengan Akurasi Melbourne Rapid Fields
2022 | BY Dewi Yunia Fitriani - Yuri Dwi Mayasari - Virna Dwi Oktariana
  • Agreement of Perimetric Melbourne Rapid Fields Parameters to Humphrey Field Analyzer in Patients with Moderate to Severe Glaucoma: Relationship between Visual Acuity and Accuracy of Melbourne Rapid Fields.
  • Nomor Panggil T22184fk