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Perbandingan Fungsi Ginjal Pekerja Operator Pesawat Angkut di Terminal Peti Kemas Pasca Program Hidrasi Tahun 2020
2021 | BY Aria Kekalih - Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko - Sena Rian Rizardi
  • Comparison of Kidney Functions of Transport Aircraft Operators at Container Terminal After the Hydration Program in 2020.
  • Nomor Panggil T21502fk


Occupational Stress and Its Relation to Graves’ Disease: An Evidence-Based Case Report
2021 | BY Ade Mutiara - Dewi S. Soemarko - Indah Suci Widyahening
  • Stress Kerja dan Hubungannya dengan Penyakit Grave’s: Laporan Kasus Berbasis Bukti.
  • Nomor Panggil T21486fk


Angka Kejadian Astenopia Dan Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pada Anak SMP dan SMA Negeri Di Jakarta Di Era Pandemi COVID-19
2021 | BY Hielda Afpa Koeswara - Dewi S. Soemarko - Yeni Dwi Lestari - Julie D. Barliana
  • Prevalence and risk factor assessment of Asthenopia among Middle and High School Children in Jakarta during COVID-19 Pandemic.
  • Nomor Panggil T21442fk


Pengaruh Penyegelan Menggunakan Plastic Tape untuk Mengurangi Kebocoran pada Respirator N-95 tipe 1860
2021 | BY Jenny Bashiruddin - Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono - Widayat Alviandi - Luthfi Ari Wibowo - Dewi S. Soemarko - Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf - Joedo Prihartanto - Mirta H. Reksodiputro - Dini W. Widodo
  • The Effect of Sealing Using Plastic Tape to Reduce Leakage in Respirator N-95 type 1860 .
  • Nomor Panggil T21188fk


Pengaruh Variasi Bentuk Wajah terhadap Prevalensi Kebocoran Respirator N-95 tipe 1860 dan 9105 Pada Tenaga Kesehatan
2021 | BY Ratna Dwi Restuti - Harim Priyono - Joedo Prihartono - Shally Adhina Putri - Dewi S. Soemarko - Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf - Trimartani Koento - Mirta H. Reksodiputro
  • The Effect of Facial Shape Variation on the Leakage Prevelance of N-95 Respirators type 1860 and 9105 in Health Workers.
  • Nomor Panggil T21144fk


Hubungan jenis pekerjaan angkat angkut dengan kelelahan kronis pada pekerja bongkar muat kapal
2021 | BY Andreas Ronny Hartono - Dewi S Soemarko - Astrid Sulistomo
  • The relationship between type of lifting work and chronic fatigue among ship loading and unloading workers.
  • Nomor Panggil T21131fk