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Pengaruh Kombinasi Latihan Berjalan, Kekuatan Otot dan Aerobik Terhadap Pola Berjalan, Kekuatan Otot Triceps Surae dan VO2maks Penderita Diabetes Tipe 2 dengan Neuropati Perifer.
2018 | BY Deswaty Furqonita - Silphia Novelyn - Ermita Isfandiary Ibrahim
  • Effects of Combination of Walking, Muscle Strengthening and Aerobic Training on Gait, Triceps Surae Muscle Strength and VO2max in Type 2 DM with Peripheral Neuropathy.
  • Nomor Panggil T18519fk


Pengaruh Modifikasi Latihan Peregangan terhadap Fleksibilitas Sendi Lutut dan Sendi Pergelangan Kaki pada Posisi Zenkutsu-dachi Karateka Kelompok Usia Dewasa dan Lanjut dengan Osteoartritis
2017 | BY Diana Agustini PA - Deswaty Furqonita - Nora Sutarina
  • Effect of Modifieds Stretching Training on the Flexibility of Knee Joint and Ankle Joints in Zenkutsu- Dachi Position of Adult and Elderly Karateka with Osteoarthritis.
  • Nomor Panggil T17467fk