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Peningkatan Kadar Adrenalin Sebagai Tanda Akut Stres pada Pekerja, akibat Pajanan Bising di bawah NAB 85 dBA
2013 | BY Rully B. Christina - Setyawati Budiningsih - Astrid Sulistomo- The Increased Levels of Adrenaline as Sign of Acute Stress on Workers due to Noise Exposure Below Threshold Limit Value of 85 dBA.
- Nomor Panggil T13486fk
Korelasi derajat kepadatan sel mast dengan derajat kepadatan jaringan saraf pada apendisitis akut
2013 | BY Renaningtyas - Budiningsih Siregar - Diah Rini Handjari- Correlation between mast cell density and enteric nerve density on acute appendicitis.
- Nomor Panggil T13437fk
Amplifikasi/Overekspresi Murine Double Minute 2 sebagai Alat Diagnostik pada Tumor Lipomatosa Berukuran Besar dan Keterkaitannya dengan Indeks Proliferasi Ki67
2013 | BY Rizky Ifandriani Putri - Budiningsih Siregar - Nurjati Chairani Siregar- Amplification/ overexpression of Murine double minute 2 as a diagnostic tool in large lipomatous tumor and its correlation with Ki67 proliferation index.
- Nomor Panggil T13397fk
Perbedaan ekspresi epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) pada tumor serosum jinak, borderline dan adenokarsinoma serosum ovarium
2013 | BY Tantri Hellyanti - Kusmardi - Budiningsih Siregar- The difference of Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in benign, borderline and malignant serous ovarian tumors.
- Nomor Panggil T13396fk
Pengaruh penambahan intensitas penerangan terhadap astenopia pada pengrajin tenun industri informal
2013 | BY Indah Pratiwi Ersanty - Nusye E. Zamsiar - Setyawati Budiningsih- The impact of increasing illumination intensity to the occurance of asthenopia in formal weavers industry.
- Nomor Panggil T13311fk
Efektifitas peregangan otot bahu sebelum bekerja terhadap perubahan skala nyeri bahu (Studi pada pekerja informal industri tenun)
2013 | BY Rika Nurmayanti - Dewi S Soemarko - Setyawati Budiningsih- Effectiveness shoulder muscles stretching before working toward change shoulder pain scale study on informal workers weaving industry.
- Nomor Panggil T13305fk
Kesiapan mahasiswa tahap klinik FKUI dan persepsinya terhadap self directed learning
2013 | BY Syska Widyawati - Anwar Jusuf - Setyawati Budiningsih- Clinical stage students' perception of self directed learning and its implementation in FMUI (Qualitative).
- Nomor Panggil T13290fk
Pengaruh kesesuaian tinggi meja dan kursi dengan tinggi siku duduk serta poplitea terhadap perubahan skala nyeri tengkuk (Studi pada pekerja perempuan pada industri informal emping di Banten)
2013 | BY Eni Dwi Astuti - Setyawati Budiningsih - Muhammad Isnaini- The effect of table and chair height adjustment with elbow sitting height and popliteal against changing scale of neck pain (Studies of women labor in emping chips home industry located in Banten Province)
- Nomor Panggil T13231fk
Pengaruh desain tungku terhdap iritasi mata akibat asap pembakaran kayu pada pekerja perempuan informal pembuatan emping di Banten
2013 | BY Rika Harbani Meirawati - Setyawati Budiningsih - Rina La Distia Nora- The effect of furnace design eye irritation due to burning wood smoke in emping informal women workers in Banten.
- Nomor Panggil T13213fk
Penerimaan korban kejahatan seksual dan dokter terhadap langkah-langkah pemeriksaan di pusat krisis terpadu rumah sakit cipto mangunkusumo
2013 | BY Mohammad Ardhian Syaifuddin - Yuli Budiningsih- The Acceptance of Sexual Violance Victims and Physicians of the Examination Methods in The Integrated Crisis Center Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital
- Nomor Panggil T13210FK