Hasil Pencarian

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Respon IgG spesifik terhadap antigen Gag HIV-1 pada mencit yang diimunisasi dengan kandidat vaksin Vp22-Gag
2017 | BY Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas - Heri Setiyo Bekti - Budiman Bela
  • HIV-1 Gag specific IgG response in mice immunized with Vp22-Gag vaccine candidate.
  • Nomor Panggil T17269fk


Respons antibodi spesifik HPV16 mencit BALB/c yang diimunisasi Vaksin DNA dan Vaksin antigen Rekombinan L1 secara bersamaan
2023 | BY Aulia Tresna Amalia Ilmi - Budiman Bela - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas
  • HPV16 specific antibody response in BALB/c mice immunized simultaneously with L1 DNA vaccine and L1 recombinant antigen vaccination.
  • Nomor Panggil T23233fk


Pengembangan vaksin terapeutik: Analisis respons antibodi anti E267 pada mencit BALB/c diimunisasi antigen fusi CPP-E267 HPV16 rekombinan
2023 | BY Mardhah Sastri Utami - Budiman Bela - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas
  • Therapeutic vaccine development: Analysis of anti-E267 antibody in BALB/c mice immunized with recombinat CPP-E267 HPV16 fusion antigen.
  • Nomor Panggil T23232fk


Potensi Vaksin DNA Pengekspresi Antigen Fusi Hemaglutinin- C3d dan DNA adjuvan Spdfull CD40L dalam Menimbulkan Respon IgG Spesifik Hemaglutinin H5N1 pada Mencit BALB/C
2017 | BY Rizki Hutami - Fera Ibrahim - Budiman Bela
  • Potency of Fusion Antigen of C3d-Hemaglutinin DNA Vaccine and Spdfull CD40L DNA adjuvant to induce H5N1 Hemagglutinin Specific IgG responses in Balb/C mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T17063fk


Peran Vp22 Yang Difusikan Dengan Hemaglutinin Virus Influenza H5n1 Sebagai Vaksin DNA Dalam Meningkatkan Respon Imun Humoral Dan Seluler Spesifik Pada Mencit Balb/C
2017 | BY Fitri Rahmi Fadhilah - Fera Ibrahim - Budiman Bela
  • The Role of VP22 fused with hemaglutinin of H5N1 Influenza virus as a DNA vaccine on the increase of specific humoral and cellular immune responses in BALB/c mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T17045fk


Konstruksi Plasmid Penyandi Protein Fusi VP22-Gag HIV1-eGFP untuk Pengembangan Vaksin Sub Unit Gag HIV-1 Endogen dan Analisis Lokalisasi Protein VP22-eGFP pada Sel Vero
2014 | BY Melinda Remelia - Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas - Budiman Bela
  • Construction of Plasmid Encoding VP22-Gag HIV1-eGFP Fusion Protein for Endogenous Gag HIV-1 Sub Unit Vaccine Development and Analysis of VP22-eGFP Protein Localization in Vero Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil T14345fk


Penentuan sekuen konsensus gag human immunodeficiency virus I clade CRF01_AE isolat Indonesia untuk desain vaksin HIV/AIDS
2013 | BY Muhammad Nailul Mauna - Budiman Bela - Fera Ibrahim
  • Determination of consensus sequence of gag HIV-1 clade CRF01_AE Indonesian isolate for HIV/AIDS vaccine design.
  • Nomor Panggil T13125fk


Pengaruh komposisi dan cara pemberian vaksin dna hemaglutinin dan neuraminidase virus influenza A H1N1 terhadap respon antibodi spesifik mencit BALB/C
2012 | BY Mohamad Rahmat - Budiman Bela - Heri Wibowo
  • Effect of the composition and administration methode of dna vaccine hemagglutinin and neuraminidase of the H1N1 influenza A virus to specific antibody response of Balb/C mice.
  • Nomor Panggil T12397fk


Ekspresi antigen multiepitop S, N, ORF1ab, ORF3a dari SARS-CoV-2 digabungkan dengan cell penetrating peptide (CPP) pada sistem ekspresi prokariota untuk menstimulasi respon imun seluler
2023 | BY Syarifah Raisha Muhayya - Budiman Bela - Ibnu Agus Ariyanto
  • Expression of multiepitope S, N, ORF1ab, ORF3a antigens from SARS-CoV-2 fused with cell penetrating peptide (CPP) in the prokaryotic expression system to stimulate cellular immune responses.
  • Nomor Panggil T23513fk


Pemanfaatan Cell Penetrating Peptide “ALM” untuk Penghantaran mRNA Pengekspresi Protein Spike SARS-COV- 2 ke dalam Sitoplasma Sel CHO
2022 | BY Silvia Tri Widyaningtyas - Ima Magisma - Budiman Bela
  • The Utilization of ALM Cell-Penetrating Peptide as a Delivery System of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Expressing mRNA into The CHO Cells' Cytoplasm.
  • Nomor Panggil T22591fk