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Efek Hambatan dan Viabilitas Sel Virus Dengue Serotipe 2 Strain New Gueina C oleh Senyawa Murni Piperin terhadap Sel Vero Pada Mekanisme Pre-Post Infeksi dan Post Infeksi
2019 | BY Atika Mahira Yanfaunnas - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • The Effect of Resistance and Cell Viability of Dengue Virus-2 strain NGC Replication on Infected Vero Cell during pre-post and post infection by Piperine.
  • Nomor Panggil S19126fk


Aktivitas Antivirus dan Anti-inflamasi Repurposing Obat Favipiravir dan Kina Sufat terhadap Virus Dengue Serotipe 1 secara In Vitro
2024 | BY Regita Aulia Rosalina - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Fithriyah
  • Antiviral and Anti-Inflammatory Activities Repurposing Drugs Favipiravir and Quinine Sulfate against Dengue Virus Serotype 1 In Vitro.
  • Nomor Panggil T24107fk


Efek Fraksi Butanol Daun Cassia alata terhadap Ekspresi NFκB dan Sitokin pada PBMC Terinfeksi Virus Dengue Serotipe-1
2024 | BY Beti Ernawati Dewi - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro - Aisya Alma Asmiranti Kartika
  • Effect of Cassia alata Leaves Butanol Fraction to the Expressions of NFκB and Cytokines on Dengue Virus Serotype-1 Infected-PBMC.
  • Nomor Panggil T24091fk


Analisis Kemampuan Serum Pasien Terinfeksi Berbagai Serotipe Virus Dengue dalam Menetralisasi Virus Dengue Serotipe-2
2024 | BY Adipura Atmadja Egok - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Leonard Nainggolan
  • Analysis of Sera from Several Serotype Dengue-Infected Patients in Neutralizing Dengue Virus Serotype-2.
  • Nomor Panggil T24084fk


Studi awal efek antivirus ekstrak Curcuma longa L. terhadap virus dengue serotipe 2 dan toksisitas akut di organ hati dan ginjal pada mencit ddY
2017 | BY Beti Ernawati Dewi - Meylida Ichsyani - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro
  • Preliminary study on the antiviral effect of Curcuma longa L. extract against dengue virus serotype 2 and its acute toxicity in ddY mice liver and kidney.
  • Nomor Panggil T17209fk


Aktivitas Antiviral Ekstrak Etanol Daun Cassia alata terhadap Virus Dengue Serotipe-1 pada Tahap Pra dan Pasca Internalisasi Infeksi Sel Vero
2023 | BY Chrecentia Hanna Swestikaputri - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro - Beti Ernawati Dewi
  • Antiviral Activity of Cassia alata Leaf Ethanol Extract Against Dengue Serotype-1 at Pre and Post Entry Infection of Vero.
  • Nomor Panggil T23260fk


Aktivitas Antiinflamasi, Antivirus, dan Mekanisme Penghambatan Replikasi Virus Dengue dari Propil Galat dan Etil Galat secara In Vitro dan In Silico
2023 | BY Lovendo Ilham Widodo - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Fithriyah
  • Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral Activity and Inhibition Mechanisms of Dengue Virus Replication by Propyl Gallate and Ethyl Gallate: In Vitro and In Silico Studies.
  • Nomor Panggil T23057fk


Metode Inaktivasi Virus dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Respon Imun Humoral Mencit sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Vaksin Dengue
2022 | BY Khansa Humaira - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro
  • Dengue virus inactivation methods and their effect to humoral immune response in mice as the basis for vaccine development.
  • Nomor Panggil T22498fk


Potensi In Vitro Turunan Asam Galat Sebagai Kandidat Antivirus Dengue Serotipe 2 Dan Studi In Silico Pada Protein NS5
2016 | BY Mahmudah - Beti Ernawati Dewi - Fadilla
  • In Vitro potency of gallic acid derivatives as an antiviral candidate of dengue virus serotype 2 and In Silico study on NS5 protein.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 287 FK


Deteksi Molekuler Virus Penyebab Demam Menyerupai Gejala Demam Dengue Menggunakan Real Time RT-PCR
2018 | BY Beti Ernawati Dewi - Rizka Ariani - Tjahjani Mirawati Sudiro
  • Moleculer Detection of Viruses Causing Dengue-Like Fever Using Real Time RT-PCR.
  • Nomor Panggil T18284fk