Hasil Pencarian

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Klasifikasi preparat jaringan usus halus normal, inflamasi (radang), dan prekanker pada blok menggunakan parafin spektrofotometri autofluorosensi
2022 | BY Salsa Billa As’syifa - Aryo Tedjo
  • Classification of normal, inflammatory, and precancerous small bowel tissue preparations on block using paraffin autofluorescence spectrophotometry.
  • Nomor Panggil S22138fk


Efek Sitotoksik Campuran Ekstrak Etanol Daun Plectranthus scutellarioides dan Quercetin terhadap Sel Kanker HeLa
2022 | BY Ho, Indra Holiyono - Aryo Tedjo
  • The Cytotoxic Effect of Mixture of Plectranthus scutellarioides Leaf Ethanolic Extract and Quercetin on HeLa Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil S22095fk


Penggunaan Spektrofotometri Autofluoresensi dalam Klasifikasi Preparat Blok Parafin Jaringan Lambung Mencit Normal, Inflamasi dan Prekanker
2022 | BY Aziza Hana Salsabila - Aryo Tedjo
  • Use of Autofluorescence Spectrophotometry in Classification of Paraffin Block Preparations of Normal, Inflammatory and Precancerous Mice Gastric Tissue.
  • Nomor Panggil S22048fk


Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Etil Asetat Daun Plectranthus scutellarioides terhadap Sel Kanker Serviks HeLa
2022 | BY Fahriyah Raihan Maharani - Aryo Tedjo
  • Cytotoxic Effect of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Plectranthus scutellarioides Leaf on Cervical Cancer HeLa Cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S22017fk


Efek Sitotoksik Ekstrak Etanol Daun Plectranthus scutellarioides terhadap Sel Kanker HeLa
2022 | BY Phoniex Angellia - Aryo Tedjo
  • The Cytotoxic Effect of Ethanol Extract of Plectranthus scutellarioides Leaf on HeLa Cancer Cell Line.
  • Nomor Panggil S22016fk


Metode Membedakan Jaringan Kanker Lambung Mencit Mus Musculus Menggunakan Metode Spektrofotometri Reflektans Sederhana
2020 | BY Samuel Ronny Kusuma - Aryo Tedjo
  • Method of Differentiating Gastric Cancer in Mus Musculus using Conventional Reflectance Spectrophotometry.
  • Nomor Panggil S20148fk


Klasifikasi Derajat Lesi Kanker Usus Halus dengan Metode Spektrofotometri Reflektans Cahaya Tampak Sederhana
2020 | BY Wira Tirta Dwi Putra - Aryo Tedjo
  • Classification of Small Intestine Cancer Lesion Degree with Simple Visible Light Reflectance Spectrophotometry.
  • Nomor Panggil S20088fk


Potensi spektrofotometer reflektans sederhana dalam membedakan jaringan kanker kolorektal
2020 | BY Aaron Datui - Aryo Tedjo
  • Potency of Simple Reflectance Spectrophotometer in Differentiating Colorectal Cancer Tissue.
  • Nomor Panggil S20083fk


Identifikasi kandidat biomarker gangguan koagulasi pada pasien kanker kolorektal: analisis geo data transkriptomik
2023 | BY Reihan Khairunnisa - Aryo Tedjo
  • Identification of biomarker candidates for coagulation disorders in colorectal cancer patients: transcriptomic geo data analysis.
  • Nomor Panggil S23092fk