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Hubungan antara Tingkat Depresi dan Kualitas Hidup pada Pasien Cedera Medula Spinalis
2018 | BY Ananda Marina - Indriati MS Tobing - Herdiman B. Purba - Nurmiati Amir - Aria Kekalih- Association between the Level of Depression and Quality of Life in Spinal Cord Injury Patient.
- Nomor Panggil T18602fk
Pengaruh Destrangulasi Usus pada Cedera Iskemia- Reperfusi Usus terhadap Hati Tikus Sprague-Dawley
2018 | BY Rizky Amaliah - Ahmad Yani - Aria Kekalih- Intestinal Destrangulation Effects on Liver following Intestinal Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury on Sprague- Dawley.
- Nomor Panggil T18275fk
Pengaruh Destrangulasi Intestinal Terhadap Cedera Iskemia-Reperfusi Pada Sprague-Dawley
2018 | BY Dorothy - Ahmad Yani - Aria Kekalih- The Influence of Intestinal Destrangulation on Ischemia- Reperfusion Injury in Sprague-Dawley Rats.
- Nomor Panggil T18259fk
Uji Kesahihan Dan Keandalan Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM III)Versi Bahasa Indonesia Sebagai Penilai Kemampuan Fungsional Penderita Cedera Medula Spinalis
2015 | BY Aria Kekalih - Nella Yesdelita - Ira Mistivani - Indriati MS Tobing- Validity and Reliability of Indonesian Version of Spinal Cord Independence Measure III (SCIM III) to Assess Functional Capacity in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury.
- Nomor Panggil T 15 584 FK
Hubungan antara Skor Sensori T10-L2 dan S2-S4/5 terhadap Sensasi Penuh pada Kandung Kemih Pasca Cedera Medula Spinalis
2022 | BY Lucya Putri Juwita - Wini Widiani - Aria Kekalih - Indriati M.S. Tobing - Herdiman B. Purba- Association of Sensory Scores T10-L2 and S2-S4/5 with the Sensation of Bladder Fullness after Spinal Cord Injury.
- Nomor Panggil T22104fk
Efek Ischemia Preconditioning dan Hipotermia pada Cedera Reperfusi Mukosa Gaster Pasca Iskemia Ekstremitas Bawah Oryctolagus Cuniculus
2017 | BY Benjamin Ngatio - Yefta Moenadjat - Aria Kekalih- Ischemia Preconditioning and hypothermia effects on Stomach Mucosa Reperfusion Injury Post Lower Extremity Ischemia on New Zealand White Rabbit.
- Nomor Panggil T17402fk
Pengaruh Prekondisi dan Hipotermia pada Cedera Iskemia- Reperfusi Terhadap Endotel Pembuluh Darah Perifer pada Oryctolagus cuniculus
2017 | BY Aria Kekalih - Yefta Moenadjat - M Febriadi Ismet- The Effects of Precondition and Hypothermia on Ischemia Reperfusion Injuries Towards Peripheral Blood Vessels on Oryctolagus cuniculus.
- Nomor Panggil T17393fk
Profil fleksibilitas otot hamstring pada atlit voli koni propinsi DKI Jakarta (studi pendahuluan untuk evaluasi pencegahan cedera olahraga)
2012 | BY Hendriko - Tirza Z.Tamin - I. Nyoman Murdana - Aria Kekalih- Hamstring muscle flexibility among KONI propinsi DKI Jakarta's vollyball players
- Nomor Panggil T12273fk