Hasil Pencarian

✨ 283 results found - Searched 21733 records in 8ms.


Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan lama waktu pengajuan klaim santunan tidak mampu bekerja (Telaah proses penegakan diagnosis COVID-19 akibat kerja dan pengajuan klaim santunan tidak mampu bekerja tenaga kesehatan ASN di RS.X)
2023 | BY Hartati B. Bangsa - Levina Chandra Khoe - Aria Kekalih
  • Factors that Determine the Length of Time for Claim Submition of Compensation for Being Unable to Work (Process Review of Diagnosis COVID-19 as an occupational desease and claim submission compensation for being unable to work in civil servant health workers (CSHW) at.X Hospital).
  • Nomor Panggil T23445fk


Pengaruh Pemberian Asupan Multivitamin B1, B6, dan B12 terhadap kejadian kelelahan kerja kronis di PT. SIPL.
2018 | BY Eka Surya Septiawan - Aria Kekalih - Sudadi Hirawan
  • The Effect of Multivitamin B1, B6, and B12 Supplementation to the Prevalence of Chronic Fatigue in PT. SIPL Gresik.
  • Nomor Panggil T18373fk


Efek Pajanan Asap Rokok Lingkungan terhadap Kadar Kotinin Urin dan Uji Fungsi Paru pada Anak
2018 | BY Fauzi Mahfuzh - Nastiti Kaswandani - Agus Dwi Susanto - Aria Kekalih
  • Effects of Enviromental Tobacco Smoke on Urinary Cotinine Level and Lung Function Test in Children.
  • Nomor Panggil T18355fk


Prediktor Skoring Maturasi Arteriovenous Fistula Brakiosefalika Sebagai Akses Vaskular pada Pasien Hemodialisis; IOC-Score Proposal Novel Skoring Sistem
2022 | BY Aria Kekalih - Anne Saputra - Alexander Jayadi
  • Predictor Scoring Maturation Arteriovenous Fistula Brachiocephalica as Vascular Access on Hemodialysis; IOC-Score Proposal Novel Scoring System.
  • Nomor Panggil T22213fk


Hubungan antara Short Chain Fatty Acid dengan Gambaran Ultrasonografi Arteri Karotis Interna pada Penderita Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2
2022 | BY Amrul Mukminin - Aria Kekalih - Pramita Gayatri - Akhmadu Muradi - Dedy Pratama
  • The correlation between short-chain fatty acid and ultrasonography of the internal carotid artery in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  • Nomor Panggil T22204fk


Perbandingan Hasil Akses Inflow Arteri Dan Outflow Vena Dengan Single Ballon Angioplasty Pada Pasien Disfungsi Fistula Arteriovenosa Radiosefalika
2022 | BY Aria Kekalih - Billy Stephanus Karundeng - Fakhrizal - Akhmadu Muradi
  • Comparison of the success rate of access to arterial inflow and venous outflow with single balloon angioplasty in patients with radiocephalic arteriovenous fistula dysfunction.
  • Nomor Panggil T22190fk


Perbandingan Tajam Penglihatan dan Kurva Defokus Pada Pasien Operasi Katarak dengan Menggunakan Lensa Extended Depth Of Focus Murni Dan Teknik Mini-Monovision - Interim Analysis
2022 | BY Aria Kekalih - Syska Widyawati - Tri Rahayu - M. Dio Syaputra - Faraby Marta
  • Comparison of Visual Acuity and Defocus Curve after Cataract Surgery with Pure Extended Depth Focus Lens and Mini-Monovision - Interim Analysis.
  • Nomor Panggil T22185fk


Pengaruh Destrangulasi Usus pada Cedera Iskemia- Reperfusi Usus terhadap Hati Tikus Sprague-Dawley
2018 | BY Rizky Amaliah - Ahmad Yani - Aria Kekalih
  • Intestinal Destrangulation Effects on Liver following Intestinal Ischaemia Reperfusion Injury on Sprague- Dawley.
  • Nomor Panggil T18275fk


Pengaruh Destrangulasi Intestinal Terhadap Cedera Iskemia-Reperfusi Pada Sprague-Dawley
2018 | BY Dorothy - Ahmad Yani - Aria Kekalih
  • The Influence of Intestinal Destrangulation on Ischemia- Reperfusion Injury in Sprague-Dawley Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T18259fk


Jumlah Apoptosis Limfosit Menggunakan Metode Flowcytometry Sebagai Penanda Prognostik Sepsis
2016 | BY Aria Kekalih - KHIE CHEN - Baskoro Justicia Prakoso - Farida Oesman
  • Total Lymphocyte Apoptosis Using flow cytometry Methods As Prognostic Markers of Sepsis.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 099 FK