Hasil Pencarian

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Aktivitas ekstrak daun dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora) dalam menghambat replikasi virus dengue pada sel Huh7it-1
2018 | BY Agung Riyanto Prakoso - Andhika Rachman
  • he activity of dewandaru (Eugenia uniflora) leaves extract in inhibiting dengue virus replication on Huh7it-1 cells.
  • Nomor Panggil S18080fk


Peran Platelet Rich Plasma dalam Memperbaiki Kerusakan Otot Dasar Panggul Pasca Persalinan Pertama Tanpa Penyulit dengan Prosedur Perineorafi: Kajian terhadap IGF-1, MyoD, Luas Hiatus Levator, dan Kekuatan Kontraksi Levator.
2022 | BY Fernandi - Andhika Rachman - Dwiana Ocviyanti - Budi Iman Santoso - JUNIZAF
  • The Role of Platelet Rich Plasma in Supporting the Recovery of Pelvic Floor Muscle Trauma in Normal Post Partum Cases with perineorraphy: Study on IGF-1, MyoD, Levator Hiatal Area and Levator Strength.
  • Nomor Panggil D22018fk


Hubungan Perubahan Status Indeks Masa Tubuh dengan Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio pada Kanker Payudara
2018 | BY Denny Grecius Siregar - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Body Mass Index Status Change with Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer.
  • Nomor Panggil S18007fk


Hubungan Metastasis Kanker Payudara Pasien Overweight/Obesitas terhadap Rasio Platelet-Limfosit
2018 | BY Alexander Kelvyn Kristianto - Andhika Rachman
  • Relationship between Metastasis to Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Overweight/Obese Breast Cancer Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil S18004fk


Pengaruh Faktor Risiko Terhadap Manifestasi Kulit, Rambut, dan Kuku Pasien Kanker Pada Dua Siklus Kemoterapi Berbasis Antrasiklin
2024 | BY Dini Daniaty - Larisa Paramitha - Aida SD Hoemardani - Andhika Rachman
  • Risk factor impacts on skin, hair, and nail manifestations during dual cycles of anthracycline-based chemotherapy in cancer patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T24027fk


Pengaruh PRP terhadap Produksi Mediator Pro dan Anti- Inflamasi dari Kultur Makrofag
2017 | BY Heidy - Heri Wibowo - Andhika Rachman
  • The Effect of PRP on the Production Pro and Anti- Inflammatory Mediators from Macrophage Culture.
  • Nomor Panggil T17300fk


Respons Antibodi terhadap Vaksin COVID-19 pada Pasien Leukemia dan Limfoma dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhinya
2024 | BY Muthmainnah - Sukamto Koesnoe - Andhika Rachman - Alvina Widhani
  • Antibody Response to COVID-19 Vaccine in Patients with Leukemia and Lymphoma and Factors Influencing It.
  • Nomor Panggil T24016fk


Hubungan Antara Rasio Limfosit-Monosit, Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes, dan Tumor-Associated Macrophages dengan Progression-Free Survival 3 Tahun Pasien Kanker Nasofaring Stadium Lokal Lanjut
2023 | BY Ni Putu Merlynda Pusvita Dewi - Andhika Rachman - Lisnawati - Sukamto Koesnoe
  • The Association Between Lymphocyte-Monocyte Ratio, TumorInfiltrating Lymphocytes, and Tumor-Associated Macrophages with 3-Year Progression-Free Survival in Advanced Local Stage Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T23496fk


Dinamika Nilai High-Sensitivity Troponin I sebagai Prediktor Kardiomiopati Terimbas Kemoterapi Berbasis Antrasiklin
2023 | BY Albert Sedjahtera - Andhika Rachman - Simon Salim - Pringgodigdo Nugroho
  • Dynamic of High Sensitivity Troponin I as Predictor of Chemotherapy Induced Cardiomiopathy.
  • Nomor Panggil T23440fk


Perbedaan Rerata Agregasi Trombosit, Kadar Pselektin, dan Anti-Platelet Factor 4 Serum pada Berbagai Derajat COVID-19
2023 | BY Rahmanu Reztaputra - Andhika Rachman - Adityo Susilo - Pringgodigdo Nugroho
  • Mean Difference of P-selectin, anti PF4 in Serum, and Thrombocyte Aggregation in COVID-19.
  • Nomor Panggil T23089fk