Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh sedasi terhadap respon stres pascabedah abdominal di ICU RSCM: Perbandingan Deksmedetomidin dengan Midazolam terhadap perubahan kadar kortisol, gula darah dan IL-6
2019 | BY AGNES MINARNI - Amir S. Madjid - Indro Mulyono
  • Effect of Sedation on Stress Related Response After Abdominal Surgery in ICU RSCM: Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Midazolam on the Change of Cortisol Levels, Blood Glucose and IL-6.
  • Nomor Panggil T19335fk


Kelebihan Cairan sebagai Prediktor Kebocoran Kapiler pada Pasien Pascabedah Abdomen Mayor: Kajian Terhadap Keseimbangan Cairan Kumulatif, Tekanan Vena Sentral, Rasio Albumin-Kreatinin Urin dan Indeks Kebocoran Kapiler
2020 | BY Ade Susanti - Rudyanto Sedono - Amir S. Madjid
  • Fluid Overload as a Predictor of Capillary Leakage in The Patient of Postoperative Abdomen Mayor Surgery : Study of Cumulative Fluid Balance, Central Venous Pressure, Urine Albumin-Creatinine Ratio and Capillary Leak Index.
  • Nomor Panggil T20391fk