Hasil Pencarian

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Pengaruh Cairan Karbohidrat Elektrolit Oral Dibandingkan Air Putih terhadap Ansietas Praoperasi pada Anak yang Menjalani Operasi
2023 | BY Willy Yant Kartolo - Aldy Heriwardito - Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan
  • Comparison of Electrolyte Carbohydrate Containing Clear Fluid and Demineralized Water against Preoperative Anxiety in Children who Undergo Elective Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T23165fk


Perbandingan Kemudahan Intubasi Nasotrakeal Antara Penggunaan Video Laringoskop CMAC dan Laringoskop Konvensional Macintosh pada Populasi Dewasa Ras Melayu
2019 | BY Ananto Wiji Wicaksono - Aldy Heriwardito - Rahendra
  • Comparison of CMAC Video Laryngoscope and Macintosh Conventional Laryngoscope for Nasotracheal Intubation Convenience in Adult Malay Race Population.
  • Nomor Panggil T19431fk


Perbandingan Dosis Atrakurium 75 Mcg / KgBB dengan 150 Mcg / kgBB sebelum Induksi untuk Memudahkan Insersi Laryngeal Mask Airway
2019 | BY Fransisca dewi Kumala - Aldy Heriwardito - Adhrie Sugiarto
  • Comparison between 75 Mcg/KgBW and 150 Mcg/KgBW Atracurium Administered before Induction to Ease the Insertion of Laryngeal Mask Airway .
  • Nomor Panggil T19130fk


Perbandingan Pemelajaran Berbasis Diskusi Dengan Berbasis Simulasi Menggunakan Aplikasi Gas Man® Terhadap Pengetahuan Ambilan dan Distribusi Anestetik Inhalasi Residen Anestesi
2023 | BY Lalu Muhammad Safrizal Kurnia Ramdhoni - Aldy Heriwardito - Andi Ade Wijaya Ramlan
  • Comparison of Discussion Based and Simulation Based Learning Using the Gas Man® on Knowledge of Uptake and Distribution Inhalation Anesthetics of Anesthesia Resident.
  • Nomor Panggil T22485fk


Perbandingan Prilokain Hiperbarik 2% 50 mg dan Bupivakain Hiperbarik 0,5% 12,5 mg terhadap Waktu Pulih Anestesi Spinal pada Prosedur Sistoskopi
2022 | BY Aida Rosita Tantri - Juan Carson Roy Nathanael Marbun - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Comparison of Hyperbaric Prilocaine 2% 50 mg and Hyperbaric Bupivacaine 0.5% 12.5 mg against Spinal Anesthesia Recovery Time in Cystoscopy Procedure.
  • Nomor Panggil T22409fk


Perbandingan Keberhasilan Intubasi Mengunakan Video Laringoskop dan Laringoskop Konvensional Dengan Teknik Rapid Sequence Induction Pada Ras Melayu: Pelaku Residen Anestesiologi FKUI Semester 2
2018 | BY Zulfikar - M. Ruswan Dachlan - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Comparison of the Success Intubation Rate Using Videolaryngoscope and Conventional Laryngoscopy with Rapid Sequence Induction Technique in Malay Race: Operator is Resident of Anesthesiology FMUI 2nd Semester .
  • Nomor Panggil T18481fk


Perbandingan Keefektifan Adjuvan Inhalasi Lidokain Dengan Spray Lidokain Sebagai Obat Anestetik Lokal Pada Pasien Endoskopi Saluran Cerna Atas
2018 | BY Tauhid Asri Utomo - Eddy Harijanto - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Comparison Between Nebulized Lidocaine And Spray Lidocaine As Local Anesthetic For Adjuvan In Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
  • Nomor Panggil T18389fk


Ketepatan Prediksi Kedalaman Optimal Kateter Vena Sentral pada Vena Jugularis Interna Kanan: Perbandingan antara Penggunaan Formula Peres dan EKG Intrakavitas
2017 | BY Aida Rosita Tantri - Aldy Heriwardito - Hana Nur Ramila
  • Prediction of Optimal Right Internal Jugular Vein Catheter Depth: Comparison between Peres Formula and Intracavitary ECG.
  • Nomor Panggil T17440fk


Perbandingan tingkat keberhasilan insersi jarum spinal pada posisi duduk bersila antara ibu hamil obes dan ibu hamil bukan obes yang menjalani seksio sesarea
2017 | BY Ria Veni Susanti - Susilo Chandra - Aldy Heriwardito
  • Comparison successful of Spinal needle insertion rates in obese and non obese parturient with cross-leg sitting position undergoing caesarean section.
  • Nomor Panggil T17087fk


Perbandingan Orientasi Probe USG Oblique dengan Transversal Terhadap Keberhasilan Kanulasi Vena Jugular Interna Kanan : Penelitian Pada Pasien Pediatri yang Menjalani Bedah Jantung
2021 | BY Angela Christina - Aldy Heriwardito - Sidharta Kusuma Manggala
  • Randomized comparison of Oblique versus Transverse orientation for ultrasound guided internal jugular venous cannulation : in paediatric heart surgery patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T21121fk