Hasil Pencarian

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Sistem Skor Harapan Kita sebagai Prediktor Mortalitas dan Morbidtias di Rumah Sakit Pasca Pembedahan Katup Jantung
2015 | BY Aron Husink - Amiliana Mardiani Soesanto - Oktavia Lilyasari - Arinto Bono Adji
  • Harapan Kita Score to Predict In-Hospital Mortality and Morbidity after Heart Valve Surgery.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 480 FK


Hubungan Proteinuria Yang Diukur Dengan Rasio Protein Kreatinin Urin Terhadap Nilai Flow Mediated Dilation Arteri Brakialis Sebelum & Sesudah Melahirkan Pada Preeklampsia
2015 | BY Faisal Habib - Ismoyo Sunu - Jetty Sedyawan - Hadi Sjarbaini
  • Correlation between Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio and Flow Mediated Dilation of Brachial Artery Before and After Delivery As a Marker of Endothelial Dysfunction in Preeclampsia.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 479 FK


Profil Pasien HIV Periode 2004-2013 yang Tetap Berobat Sampai Akhir 2014 di Unit Pelayanan Terpadu HIV RS Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta
2015 | BY Hery Agung Samsu Alam - Teguh Harjono Karjadi - Evy Yunihastuti - Hamzah Shatri
  • Profiles of HIV Patients during the Period of 2004 – 2013 Who Continued Their Medical Treatment until the End of 2014 in HIV Integrated Service Unit, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 478 FK


Efek Perlakuan Pengkondisian Iskemia Ekstremitas pada Pasien Infark Miokard Akut dengan Elevasi Segmen ST (IMA EST) yang Menjalani Intervensi Koroner Perkutan Primer (IKPP) terhadap Six Minutes Walk Test (6 MWT) dan kadar NT-ProBNP
2015 | BY Fachmi Ahmad Muslim - Sunarya Soerianata - Basuni Radi
  • The Effect of Remote Ischemic Conditioning to Six Minutes Walk Test Distance and Serum NT-ProBNP Level in Patients with Acute ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 477 FK


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Uji Jalan Lima Belas Meter sebagai Alat Ukur Kapasitas Fungsional Osteoartritis Lutut
2015 | BY Liana Halim - I Nyoman Murdana - Angela B.M.Tulaar - Hamzah Shatri
  • Validity and Reliability of 15-Meter Walk Test to Assess the Functional Capacity in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 476 FK


Uji Kesahihan dan Keandalan Family Report Questionnaire Gross Motor Function Classification System pada Palsi Serebral
2015 | BY Endah Ambarwati - Luh Karunia Wahyuni - Lestaria Aryanti - Cleopas Martin Rumende
  • Validity and Reliability of Family Report Questionnaire Gross Motor Function Classification System in Cerebral Palsy.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 475 FK


Pengaruh Manuver Mendelsohn sebagai Terapi Latihan terhadap Disfagia Fase Faring pada Penderita Karsinoma Nasofaring Pasca-Kemoradiasi
2015 | BY Marion Cinta Kuntjoro - Luh Karunia Wahyuni - Susyana Tamin - Sri Mutya Sekarutami - Murdani Abdullah
  • The Influence Of Swallowing Exercise with Mendelsohn Manuever On Pharyngeal Phase Dysphagia In Post Chemoradiation Nasopharyngeal Carsinoma Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 474 FK


Kesesuaian Spirometer Dengan Peak Flow Meter Pada Pekerja Mebel Dan Persepsi Pengusaha Terhadap Kesehatan Paru Pekerja (Studi Dengan Pendekatan Mix Method)
2015 | BY Endang J.A Tinambunan - Mukhtar Ikhsan - Setyawati Budiningsih
  • Suitability Of Spirometer And Peak Flow Meter On Furniture Industry And The Perception Of The Business Owners Related To The Observation Of Lung Examination (A Mix Method Research).
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 473 FK


Hubungan antara Hipoksemia pada Penyakit Jantung Bawaan Sianotik dengan Trombosis Arteri Pasca Kateterisasi Jantung
2015 | BY Sisca Natalia Siagian - Ismoyo Sunu - Indriwanto Sakidjan
  • Association between Hypoxemia in Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease with Post Catheterization Arterial Thrombosis.
  • Nomor Panggil T15472FK


Hubungan Fungsi Intrinsik Ventrikel Kiri Pasien Preeklampsia Sebelum dan Setelah Melahirkan dengan Rasio Protein- Kreatinin Urin
2015 | BY Fahmi - Jetty Sedyawan - Gatot Abdurazzam
  • Association between Left Ventricle Intrinsic Function and Urine Protein-Creatinine Ratio in Preeclampsia Before and After Delivery.
  • Nomor Panggil T 15 471 FK