Hasil Pencarian

✨ 69 results found - Searched 21787 records in 5ms.


Hubungan HPV dengan Hipoksia terhadap Respon Radiasi pada Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Rongga Mulut dan Orofaring
2019 | BY Hezron Kurnia Ginting - Sri Mutya Sekar Utami - Marlinda Adham - Lisnawati - Saptawati Bardosono - Indrati Suroyo
  • The Radiation Response to Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Association with Human Papilloma Virus and Tumour Hypoxia.
  • Nomor Panggil T19387fk


Perbedaan Ekspresi Cyclin D1 pada Kanker Nasofaring Stadium Lanjut berdasarkan Respons Pengobatan
2019 | BY Rahmat Cahyanur - Cosphiadi Irawan - Lisnawati - Murdani Abdullah
  • The Difference of Cyclin D1 Expression in Advanced Stage Nasopharyngeal Cancer based on Treatment Response.
  • Nomor Panggil T19295fk


Hubungan Lama Ketuban Pecah Dini, Kadar Leukosit, Kadar Vitamin D Serum Maternal dan Tali Pusat Terhadap Risiko Dugaan kejadian Sepsis Awitan Dini pada Bayi Prematur
2019 | BY Denni Hermartin - Yuyun Lisnawati - Ali Sungkar - Rinawati Rohsiswatmo
  • Relationship between the duration of early rupture of membranes, Maternal Leukocyte Levels, Vitamin D Levels of Maternal Serum and Umbilical Cord with the risk of suspected of Early Onset Neonatal Sepsis in Premature Babies.
  • Nomor Panggil T19179fk


Hubungan antara Ekspresi OCT4 dengan Respons Terapi Kemoradiasi pada Karsinoma Nasofaring Tidak Berkeratin Tidak Bediferensiasi
2018 | BY Kusmardi - Lisnawati - Maria Mayella Vianney
  • Association of OCT4 expression with chemoradiation therapy response in undifferentiated non-keratinizing nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
  • Nomor Panggil T18606fk


Gambaran CT Scan Toraks Adenokarsinoma Paru Berdasarkan Status Mutasi Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
2018 | BY Tatin Rustin Hartiarsah - Vally Wulani - Telly Kamelia - Lisnawati - Joedo Prihartono
  • CT Characteristics of Lung Adenocarcinoma Based on Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation Status at Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T18522fk


Sensitifitas dan Spesifisitas Nasoendoskopi Narrow Band Imaging dibandingkan Hasil Histopaologi pada Pasien dengan Kecurigaan Karsinoma Nasofaring di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo
2016 | BY Lisnawati - Irma Suryati - Zanil Musa - Joedo Prihartono - Marlinda Adham
  • Sensitivity and Specificity of Narrow Band Imaging Nasoendoscopy Compared to Histopathology Results in Patients With Suspected of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital .
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 179 FK


Akurasi Diagnostik Lesi Indeterminate Nodul Tiroid Berdasarkan Ekspresi Imunositokimia CK19
2016 | BY Kusmardi - Lisnawati - Mieke Marindawati
  • Diagnostic Accuracy of Indeterminate Lesion of Thyroid Nodule Based on CK19 Imunocytochemistry Expression.
  • Nomor Panggil T 16 111 FK


Kesesuaian Kriteria Diagnostik CT Scan dengan Histopatologik pada Kelenjar Getah Bening Maligna Pasien Karsinoma Sel Skuamosa Kepala dan Leher
2018 | BY Lia Rica Sari - Indrati Suroyo - Marlinda Adham - Lisnawati - Joedo Prihartono
  • The Association between Diagnostic Criteria of CT Scan and Histopathologic in Malignant Lymph Node in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Head and Neck Patient .
  • Nomor Panggil T18329fk


Status Instabilitas Mikrosatelit pada Pasien Kanker Nasofaring: Sebuah Studi Eksploratif
2022 | BY Handoko - Lisnawati - Tiara Bunga Mayang Permata - Mahesa Auzan - Marlinda Adham - H. M. Djakaria - Soehartati A. Gondhowiardjo - Demak Lumban Tobing
  • Microsatellite Instability Status in Nasopharyngeal Cancer Patients: An Explorative Study.
  • Nomor Panggil T22216fk


Uji Diagnostik P16 Surrogate Biomarker dengan Imunohistokimia dibandingkan DNA HPV Menggunakan PCR Untuk Infeksi HPV pada Keganasan Rongga Mulut dan Orofaring di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo
2018 | BY Noval Aldino - Marlinda Adham - Lisnawati - Saptawati Bardosono
  • Diagnostic Test of P16 Surrogate Biomarker with Immunohistochemistry Compare with HPV DNA Using PCR for HPV Infections of Oral and Oropharyngeal Cancer at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
  • Nomor Panggil T18299fk