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Pengaruh Latihan Aerobik Fase II Terhadap Kualitas Hidup Menggunakan Kuesioner Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Pada Gagal Jantung Kronik Stabil
2023 | BY Devina Angela - Tresia Fransiska U. Tambunan - Deddy Tedjasukmana - Lusiani - Syougie
  • The Effect of Aerobic Exercise in Phase II on Quality Of Life Using Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire in Stable Chronic Heart Failure.
  • Nomor Panggil T23615fk


Pengaruh Olahraga Aerobik Halang Rintang terhadap Fungsi Kognitif, Ditinjau dari Homeostasis Oksidatif, Angiogenesis, dan Neuroplastisitas Otak Mencit Dewasa.
2015 | BY Minarma Siagian - Muhammad Irfannuddin - Sri Widia A. Jusman - Jan S. Purba
  • The effects of hurdle aerobic exercise on brain’s oxidative homeostasis, angiogenesis, neuroplasticity, and cognitive ability of middle aged mice.
  • Nomor Panggil D15008FK


Perbaikan Fungsi Sel (Kadar Telomerase, Aktivitas GPx, Kadar TBARS) dan Sistem Kardiorespirasi (VO2maks) serta Kadar NOx Plasma Akibat Latihan Aerobik Intensias Sedang selama 12 Minggu pada Perempuan Lansia.
2018 | BY Sri Mukti Suhartini - Gusbakti Rusi - Ani Retno Prijanti - Ermita Isfandiary Ibrahim Ilyas
  • Cell Function Repair (Telomerase Levels, GPx Activity, TBARS Levels), Cardiorespiratory System (VO2max), and NOx Plasma Levels Due to Moderate Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Elderly Women.
  • Nomor Panggil D18011fk


The Effect of Moderate Exercise on Glutathione Peroxidase in Prefrontal Cortex of various ages mice
2016 | BY Windy Cendrick - Nurhadi Ibrahim
  • Efek dari Olahraga sedang kepada Glutathione Peroxidase di Prefrontal Cortex mencit berbagai usia.
  • Nomor Panggil S16198fk


Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Detrain terhadap Jumlah Sel Saraf Normal Gyrus Dentatus Tikus.
2013 | BY Harsya Pradana Loeis - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Detrain on Number of Normal Neuron of Dentate gyrus’ Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S13245fk


Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Detrain terhadap Jumlah Sel Saraf Normal Gyrus Dentatus Tikus.
2013 | BY Irsyalina Amalia - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Detrain on Number of. Normal Neuron of Dentate gyrus’ Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S13242fk


Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Detrain terhadap Jumlah Sel Saraf Normal Thalamus Tikus.
2013 | BY Nabella Qisthina Laksita Dewi - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Detraining on the Number of Normal Neuron of Thalamus’ Mice.
  • Nomor Panggil S13213fk


Pengaruh Latihan Fisik Aerobik dan Detrain terhadap Jumlah Sel Saraf Normal Amigdala Basolateral Tikus.
2013 | BY Avita Marthacagani - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • The Effect of Aerobic Exercise and Detraining on the Number of Normal Neuron of Basolateral Amygdala Rat.
  • Nomor Panggil S13209fk


Pengaruh latihan fisik aerobik dan detrain terhadap jumlah sel saraf normal korteks motorik primer tiku.
2013 | BY Melody Febriana Andardewi - Ahmad Aulia Jusuf
  • Effect of aerobic exercise and detraining on the number of normal primary motor cortex rat brain.
  • Nomor Panggil S13208fk


Kombinasi Berbagai Intensitas dan Durasi Latihan Fisik Aerobik Terhadap Fungsi Memori Spasial: Kajian Molekuler Ekspresi Protein Neuroligin dan Reseptor NMDA Hipokampus Tikus Wistar Jantan
2017 | BY Tahyatul Bariroh - Neng Tine Kartinah - Sophie Yolanda
  • Combination of Aerobic Exercise Intensity and Duration on Spatial Memory: Study on Expression of Neuroligin and NMDAR in Hippocampal in Male Wistar Rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T17321fk