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Pengaruh penyuluhan terhadap perubahan keberadaan larva Aedes aegypti di container tempat penampungan Air di paseban Barat, Jakarta Pusat
2009 | BY Chyntia Octaviani - Saleha Sungkar
  • The effect of health education on the change of the existence of aedes aegypti in reservoir larvae in reservoir containers in Paseban Barat, Central Jakarta.
  • Nomor Panggil S10110fk


Uji Diagnostik Rapid Test Antigen Helicobacter pylori dalam Feses dengan Metode Imunokromatografi terhadap Urea Breath Test pada Pasien Dispepsia
2018 | BY Chyntia Octaviani - July Kumalawati - Murdani Abdullah
  • Diagnostic Test of Helicobacter pylori Stool Antigen Rapid Test Using Immunochromatography Against Urea Breath Test in Dyspeptic Patients.
  • Nomor Panggil T18546fk