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Pengaruh model environmental enrichment yang dikombinasi dengan latihan fisik aerobik terhadap fungsi memori spasial: kajian ekspresi Synaptophysin, Subunit GluR1 AMPAR, dan Postsynaptic density-95
2017 | BY Diah Ayu Aguspa Dita - Neng Tine Kartinah - Nurul Paramita
  • The Effects Environmental Enrichment Model combined with Aerobic Physical Exercise on Spatial Memory Function: Study on The Expression of Synaptophysin, AMPAR GluR1 Subunit, and Postsynaptic Density-95.
  • Nomor Panggil T17232fk


Pola Infeksi Soil-Transmitted Helminths pada Anggota Keluarga Siswa Sekolah Dasar Di Kalibaru dan Batu Ampar
2015 | BY Ade Irma Malyana Artha - Rizal Subahar
  • The Pattern of Soil-Transmitted Helminths Infection in Families of Elementary School Students in Kalibaru and Batu Ampar.
  • Nomor Panggil S 15 061 FK


Potensi ekstrak etanol Centella asiatica terhadap dan fungsi memori dan ekspresi protein AMPAR-GluR1 di hipokampus tikus Wistar jantan
2017 | BY Auliyani Andam Suri - Sri Redjeki - Siti Farida
  • Potentiation of Centella asiatica ethanol extract towards memory function and hippocampal expression of AMPARGluR1 in male Wistar rats.
  • Nomor Panggil T17596fk